So many are going through trials and/or the pain of losing a - TopicsExpress


So many are going through trials and/or the pain of losing a family member or friend! Every day I find myself lifting up a prayer request for someone that is heartbreaking and humbling. Life is soooo precious and so uncertain. Hug the people you love, and let them know you love them, dont hold grudges, forgive those needing it, and request it when youre the one in the wrong. Regret is not a burden worth bearing! I have an update on a dear family who is also going through a big trial. Bro.Ed performed mine and Rogers marriage ceremony, and he was one of my favorite preachers to listen to growing up. Please lift him and his family up in prayer as well (of course along with the Scoles family still in their/our loss of a loved one yesterday). Bro. Ed Update: I have written this several times and then started over not knowing quite how to put into words what happened yesterday. Bro. Eds condition deteriorated rapidly in the morning. He started having trouble swallowing and then began to have seizures for several hours until they finally stopped with medication. He is calm now but unresponsive and continues to run a fever. We covet your prayers during this difficult time. How thankful we are that you have prayed. We dont know how long he will stay in this condition but we know God is in control. We will trust Him in the valley as well as on the mountain. We have had too many mountain tops to stop trusting now. All our family thanks you for your love, concern and prayers.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Apr 2014 04:42:22 +0000

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