So many are struggling to enter in to ministry. Here are some - TopicsExpress


So many are struggling to enter in to ministry. Here are some suggestions and observations from my 42 years in full-time ministry. First - find a good ministry - WITH A PROVEN TRACK RECORD OF GOOD THINGS -- and make yourself available. (Always ask permission before you arrange things for the ministry.) 1. Make yourself available. Volunteer. Pay your own way - even in little things. If the carpet needs shampooing - save up $100 bucks and rent the machine and do it yourself. 2. Find out the need -- soap and place for kid fundraiser carwash -- find it, get it donated, or buy it yourself. 3. You want to teach and preach -- TEACH SUNDAYSCHOOL! Every church needs workers and teachers. YOUTH are the GREATEST INVESTMENT -- OUR FUTURE. Heres where you learn (and it was MY FIRST JOB IN A CHURCH - a teachers aid in beginners Sunday School). 4. Do you have a talent - play an instrument, artist. Offer that talent and be willing for any practices, requirements. Make the MINISTRY a PRIORITY -- or it will never happen! (When I first began playing for church, my music reading ability was awful -- I MADE MYSELF LEARN so I could be of use to the Lord and the ministry.) 5. Take correction happily. Thats how you learn from people who have experience. 6. Dont be discouraged if a pet project or dream you feel is from the Lord isnt okayed or funded. (I know what funds are available to the penny. I know what the monthly expenses are - to the penny. I know what the upcoming trip will cost, probably within $100. Our funds are budgeted through the end of the year. Most successful ministries know that info - either in their head or on paper, or both in my case.) If you have an approved plan WORK for the money. 7. NEVER solicit your project money from the congregation WITHOUT EXPLICIT PERMISSION TO DO SO. Otherwise youre funneling funds Ive already counted for other purposes -- people only have so much to give in a fairly static congregation -- and you will not be appreciated for redirecting those funds for your own purposes. If you feel strongly -- go down the road and start your own ministry. 8. NEVER divide or cause confusion. Sometimes people have other visions. Sometimes people grow to where they should have their own ministry. The signs are obvious - you begin to disagree with much that is happening at your old post. God is not the author of confusion. Youre grown up -- at least enough to do the work -- go start your own. Thats how the eagle does her children -- stirs the nest - makes it uncomfortable to stay. God does that so we will embrace change. 9. ALWAYS keep communication open. Nobody, even the great man or woman of God -- NOBODY can read your mind. They DONT know what you want -- They Dont know what you are thinking unless you tell them. 10. NEVER burn bridges and be careful who you step on on the way up -- youll meet them on the way down. 11. Become the most valuable player by your teamwork and hard work -- not by your gifting. Honestly there are many more people more gifted, talented, and capable than I am -- and they are sidelined or struggling. I WILL USE PEOPLE WITH LESS TALENT AND GIFTING WHO ARE FAITHFUL AND COMMITTED AND HARDWORKING! -- Jesus said, Many are called, few are chosen. Want to be chosen? Answer the call -- and just keep saying YES and doing what you are asked to do! 12. Be willing to sacrifice -- not to man - but to the Lord. Since 1974, I have burned out 9 brand new cars with over 100,000 each in the ministry. Most of those miles were un-reimbursed. (And that doesnt count the many more miles driving ministers around the country -- my tush has over ONE MILLION CAR MILES on it -- YIKES!) 13. No room for Divas! In the early days, with few good musicians in church, I thought I would be Gods answer - PERIOD! The Lord saw that I was pointedly and purposefully sidelined while others with ZERO talent - in my opinion - ministered. Phooey! But - I had to sit in the back listening to that -- until pride was gone and I was happy to worship with the lead of many who didnt have 1/10 the talent I had. You want to be a star -- go to Hollywood. Kathryn Kuhlman oft said, Do you want to know the secret of this ministry? Do you want to know the secret of real POWER? It costs much! But its worth the price. It cost me EVERYTHING. But its worth the price. Total yieldness. Surrender EVERYTHING! Withholding nothing. Then the Holy Spirit fills all that we surrender.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 14:57:08 +0000

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