So many articles and posts over the past few weeks about the - TopicsExpress


So many articles and posts over the past few weeks about the Presidents terrible ratings and why so many candidates are shunning him coming into support him. Hey its politics right? Well not for the politically sensitive (overly protective Black people that cant separate personal from politics) & political Race manipulators (Black & White Democrats who mesh personal & political maliciously). Its terribly unfair to President Obama to have a record (good or bad) unfairly hijacked by people that simply wish to stoke racial unrest, political gain or who have short memories and no interest in the history of this country. In 2008 when John McCain and other Republicans were running for office (and subsequently losing the White House, The Senate and The House) not one wanted then President George W Bush within a zip code of them. The comments from people that know better should leave them accountable for their deceit. This President has been wonderful for this Country and it has nothing to do with politics but everything to do with us as a people. That weve demonstrated clearly how far as a fair people weve become electing the first Black President is becoming diminished by our still yet to evolve trust of intention. I dont think Ive ever seen the intention of word of opposition where partisanship use to the culprit now so readily and purposely manipulated into race. Ive seen republicans say the President Obama has set back race relations and hasnt forwarded them and I vehemently disagree. This president is not responsible for that. Im no fan of many of the Presidents policies but it was categorically unfair to lay the fault of those not ready for Black President Prime Time People at his feet. Now there are people that see Race everywhere and there are people that dont see race anywhere. Somewhere in the middle might lie the truth but that middle is a shrinking and those that see it everywhere...theyre losing ground. Rapidly. Am I saying that there arent people who dont like the President because of color? No. But there are too many people that need for you to believe that. Shame on them. And us to be so easily manipulated. Well some of us :)
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 12:39:30 +0000

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