So many believers are being tried by fire, to the point of sheer - TopicsExpress


So many believers are being tried by fire, to the point of sheer exhaustion. It can often take us down to a feeling of utter despair, but one kind word.. one encouraging post ... one ♥ ... one I love you sister..... one phone visit or one prayer can make all the difference in the world. ... None of us have this walk pegged down perfectly. Stumbling over our own feet trying to get to the place our Father wants us to be.. and often it is not always a location but rather a condition of our heart. Spots and wrinkles dont come out but by heat. and so we go on through the fire, being changed from moment to moment.. from our messes to our message.. lets keep each other lifted.. lets be the bridge that is needed for others to get to the other side.. lets be the love we desire and seek ... I know its through transparency and a willingness to let go of our fears that victory is won... But we must truly be careful for among us are those who are set to bring division and destruction to the body.. We must be wise in who we choose to let into our personal world.. I am going through somethings today that some would not understand.. as I am sure some of you are as well.. For others to play judge and jury is not of YAH.. So to you who maybe going through abuse or hurt because of someone judging you without knowledge or even with it ... I apologize for them... they are not the example you need to follow.. keep your chin up and know that this too shall pass.. and that our father works it all out for our good. keep on keepin on.. it will all work out in the end. I love you.. Yah loves you.. and you will see the victory!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 18:01:17 +0000

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