So many books, fb memes, and seminars talk about the importance of - TopicsExpress


So many books, fb memes, and seminars talk about the importance of Going after that thing you want” So many people talk about, “This is your one life! Go get it!” That’s really nice and cute, but here is a crazy thought. How many times have we told ourselves, “When I get this person I will be happy.” When I achieve this thing I will be happy.” “When I get this job I will be happy.” Then we got those things we wanted, and then we were happy…. ...for a short amount of time. It might have been nice to achieve something, but after that, we were still feeling incomplete. It just takes looking at how many times we thought we would be happy with that accomplishment, followed by a complete lack of fulfillment to see that the thought of “When something happens I will be happy.” is a total lie. In my eyes, when I am chasing anything external, I am living in an illusion. Here is a cooler idea. What if, instead of chasing everything, we learn how to be patient and actually connect with ourselves? What if we learned to stay with that pain, so that it could leave? What if, instead of chasing things in life, we connect to ourselves, we could enjoy becoming healthier, more connected, more centered and less addicted to stuff? When you really want something, when you feel like you arent a part of a group, when you feel like you haven’t achieved enough, when you miss an ex, etc…. you feel massively sad. Often when we feel sad, we run from the pain, we numb the pain, we try to “fix” the pain. But what would happen if we let the pain happen? What if a new level of freedom is on the other side of that pain, and we kept stopping it from showing up? When you really want something external, there is a deeper issue happening that isn’t getting addressed. The issue is that you are under a HUGE illusion. This illusion is that you are incomplete without that thing or person. This could have been the story you have been told since you were little, or you might have just created later in life. Maybe it’s time to let those things that you thought you wanted fall away? What would happen if you thought so bad that you needed a specific person to be happy, and when you missed them, and felt isolated and alone, you just allowed that feeling to pass? What if instead, we did something new and self connecting like go hike in the woods, take a yoga class, meditated, just allowed this pain? Be instead of do? What if we just allowed that pain to show up, and then LEAVE FOR REAL? What would be on the other side of that pain leaving? A new realization that you are still here and needed? Internal freedom? New ideas? A centeredness that inspires yourself and others? New levels of worthiness? Less addictive tendencies? A new world changer? A person who can impact others just by being free? Finally accessing your abilities that were hidden under the addictive chasing? When you stop chasing things in life, and numbing yourself when you aren’t chasing them, you finally meet yourself. Yes you might have a few days of massive sadness. You might feel so depressed and wonder why you are even alive. BUT THEN, AFTER THAT….. You discover that those thoughts have passed and who YOU ARE, is deeper than the thoughts. Those thoughts have passed, and you are still here. This is where freedom lies, when you are moving from beyond your thoughts. We are not here to have our minds poses us all day. We live in an INSANE society of people, but we don’t have to live FROM there. When you think you need to have something happen to be happy, you are discounting how incredibly powerful, worthy, and infinite you are. You are unconditional love, freedom, etc, and you think you need that person, job, etc, to be happy? Seriously, you are so wrong. Instead of chasing things in life, lets LOVE our lives. Lets spend some time getting out of this possessed state of constant pain and fixing. Loving life for no reason at all changes everything up. It takes a little work. It takes looking your BS story in the eye. This causes you to see that you are still ok no matter what. In that place, many things in life will suddenly chase you. You will have transformed you as a person. You will have changed your health, your perception, your perceived value, your worthiness, etc. You will be chased beyond what you could have imagined, and you won’t even feel like you need the things that are chasing you. When you can finally be completely ok with YOU, as is, nothing added, the world will explode around you to make sure every other aspect of you is taken care of. Your connection to your soul is the most appealing thing to everyone and everything else. But more importantly, you will be one of the few on this planet who is completely connected, centered and happy FOR NO REASON. You will be fully fulfilled. Nothing outside of you can match that experience. Please, for humanity, seek your internal freedom first. Let’s abolish mental slavery.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 15:36:53 +0000

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