So many of my friends are posting First Day of __ Grade pics of - TopicsExpress


So many of my friends are posting First Day of __ Grade pics of their kids this morning that it reminded me how stressful back-to-school was for me. What if I didnt like my teacher??? Who would I sit next to??? What if I missed the bus home??? I would get myself so riled up in anticipation of the new year that I would anxiety-barf. Yep, literally blow chunks all over the kitchen floor! (On the first day of second grade, I threw up grape juice on our 1970s rust-orange linoleum and have never been able to forget that atrocious color combination.) Seven hours or so later Id return home and my mother would ask how everything went. Id look at her as though she were crazy. Everything was fine, mom. I dont know what you were so worried about. Geez. So, enjoy your day of newness! Oh, and a few other NEW things: 1. The Chew episodes this week are NEW but were taped last season. Season 4 officially begins on Monday. 2. My website is NEW and improved. Check it out. 3. My NEW line of tabletop launches today. Just click on the shop button of my website to see it. Its called Effortless Table. Thanks! ck
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:42:42 +0000

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