So many of us are facing unexpected losses, changes and stress in - TopicsExpress


So many of us are facing unexpected losses, changes and stress in our lives. It came as no surprise that while I was editing some things for the new book that God had me stumble on this blog. It was written at a point in life when I was so sick of my circumstances that I was miserable. Enjoy! An excerpt from A Walk in the Garden-Jana Bishop The door of change hinges on faith I wanted to share a funny story with you. I hope you laugh as hard as I am as I write it! Last week, in the midst of one of my recent melt downs, I was lying on the couch with my precious Sadie beside me. I was moping and feeling so sick of myself that I could scream. No one was home (as usual…one of the many changes I am learning to cope with) so I just groaned out loud “I am tired of this!” Now here’s the really neat part because I am amazed at how in tune God is to my needs that he will even use my sweet dog to rescue me. Actually, I think she and God had a talk that went something like this: Sadie: God are you seeing how she’s acting? I think Momma may be dropping her basket! God: Sadie girl, we’ve got to snap her out of this because she’s just not listening to me. Sadie: I’m on it!!! And she was. As soon as the groan left my mouth, Sadie jumped up onto my chest, let out the BIGGEST SIGH (as if she couldn’t be more fed up) and plopped her neck across my mouth and nose and kept it pressed there for what seemed like forever (at least two minutes). It was as if she was saying “I am sick of it hush up and get over yourself already! “ When I say she pressed her neck on me I mean she practically cut off my air supply! Now that I’m writing this I have to wonder if her true intention might have been to suffocate me and put me out of my misery!!! Hahaha After I peeled her off my face and caught my breath, I dissolved into hysterical laughter. Between her fed up reaction to my behavior and the unamused look on her face, I could not get a grip no matter how hard I tried!!! I found it to be so funny that I became completely unhinged and laughed until I nearly cried again! It felt great to laugh and I realized right then that everything was going to be alright. I had not lost my joy or my smile….it was just hiding. That was the first of many things that God has shown me over the last couple of weeks……..His provision, His deep love for me, His desire to see me laugh, and my need to learn how to accept change gracefully and relinquish the foolish notion that I am in control. I have learned I am not in this boat alone and that most people resist change just as much as I do. I have also learned that change can be a good thing, even if we don’t realize it while we are caught up in the throes of it. He reminded me that His grace truly is sufficient for me. He will allow me a certain amount of wallowing, but then it’s time to move on. If He chooses to take me through a valley instead of around it, I know that I won’t tread either path alone, even if I am a little unhinged. This leads me to the biggest lesson I am learning. Folks, the door of change swings on the hinges of faith and trust. What God is teaching me is that as He leads me to a door, I have to have faith and trust in Him and His plan for my life in order to open it and walk through it. Honestly, I realize now that I was becoming “unhinged” even prior to my laughing fit – just not in a good way. My faith was a little rattled and I was having a hard time trusting God’s plan. I praise Him that He is patient with me!! I am thankful that while I was stuck in the rut of uncertainty and fear, He reached down and plucked me out of it. He protects me from myself and the enemy, who if given his way, would have me ensnared firmly in the iron jaws of despair. Thanks to my Father who loves me, I am beginning to see this change for what it is ….the door of opportunity and part of His plan for my life. A plan to prosper me and give me hope for my future (Jeremiah 29:11). A chance to grow in my vocation and stretch out my faith. A chance to rely on God more and myself less. It truly was the door of opportunity and it was calling for me to step through it. Because I am so resistant to change and rebellious to it, the changes and choices I have been forced to make would never have happened on their own because I would have fought them tooth and nail. I am claiming all of this based on my history with God and the love I know He has for all of us! I am giving Him the glory and now am curious about how this will pan out. Curious may not be where I should be emotionally, but it is far better than completely panicked and heart sick! I am a work in progress for sure but I am in the Potter’s hands, so I have nothing to fear. I am already overwhelmed with thankfulness at the way He’s shaping things up. When I drop my basket I can count on Him to hand it back to me.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 13:52:44 +0000

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