So many of us either forget this, dont know or indersyand this, or - TopicsExpress


So many of us either forget this, dont know or indersyand this, or just rather blame someonea past on who they are today know rhe strives he/she has made to overcome thier demans so they dont have to get involved or be put out to help. I think everyone this new year should look a little less at themselves and thier own problems that on perspective to some arent thay bad when it comes to the degree of others. I know o have received greif for trying to help others, be it be I have known and loved my whole life as well as those I have tried helping that I have only known a little while.. not saying im perdect by no means and there is a lort more I know I should do to help. But I have personally been teying to help and or just be there for some friends who have really needed it latwly and have been told by some who I thought I got this trait from either genetically or by thier example tell me I help too much ...again not trying to sound like a marter of any kind cuz I am so far from is patheric...but one thing, and truthfully, maybe the only good thing I know about myself is I have never turned my back on someone who I knew needed me or my help. .even if its just a shoulder to cry matter how long they cry and talk..I dont know if a single christian who could justify not doing something as easy as that. .. I have and always Will do all in my power to help matter who they ate or how I know them...if I know something I can do, or have to give, or basically if it is within my own power and if not the power given to me by Jedus to do all i possibly can to help matter the cost of my own health or the persecution i may and its sad to say have even before received for helping those who come to me either for help or even once I went to on my ownafter realizing a cry for help only to find out I wad right but because I didnt ignore it cuz I just didnt feel like it or worried about being accused of over helping esp. When not asked to...thanks to Jesus opening my heart and eyes to what I knew the holy spirit was telling me was a cry for help...that person told me recently had I not just shown up uninvited that day, they would not be here today. to me the words you try to help to much or go overboard helping is just a selfish mindset..and for those who have either ever thought or said that to someone, or not supported someone who was atleast making an effort, as well as those who chose to think its thier own fault they are in the position they are in or let someone else help them and worry about ur own issues...and my worst fav of all was hearing someone say to some trying to help someone once, I have enough of my own problems to worry about, I dont have time for other peoples...and, I just physically or mentally do t feel like I can help right now.....I wish no one bad will or problems of thier own...I pray those of us with life full of blessings realize what we have and I pray none of u with the wrong mentality when it comes to helping others never have to face the problems I have seen or heard of people people having. I am also on the prayer team for my church and my teammate responsibilities are to attend prayer services where the tean devides up the prayer request cards and we individually break away to our own space in the autitorium and pray over each one in our stack, then when done we trade our stack out with the next who someone else just finished praying over... I love the team im on but at first thought I didnt know if I could do this because each prayer request card was someones worst pain or anxiety in writing...I almost walked away because I cried the whole time there and for hours afterwards. Also it never fails, thier is always atleast one card with a request or little backstory or a backstory it doesnt take a genius to figure out from the request thT would haunt me...sometimes more than one and then atleast several times a day, especially when trying to enjoy the blessings I had been given...all I could think about was that hurting person who would give or do anything to do what I was doing and take for granted more times than not. ..anyways...for those who try and turn blind eyes or dont want to notice opportunities or have thier own issues and dont need others too....or the unmentioned or unexplained that are just to self absorbed or flat out selfish. .....anyways I pray u never receive the same treatment when u need someones help and want to close with.. THANK YOU JESUS FOR ALWAYS BEING THERE TO HELP..FORCARING FOR ME MORE THAN UR OWN HELL AND DEATH SO U ARE ABLE TO OVER HELP ME WHEN I NEED IT AND I K OW I HAVE MADE A LOT OF MISTAKEZ AND SINNED A LOT IN MY 37YEARS ON EARTH...BUT THANK U FOR SEEING PAST WHAT IVE DONE AND /OR My FLAWS AND HELPING THE PERSON U MADE ME AND PROB WOULD NEVER HAVE BECOME WITHOUT UR HELP...ALSO I KNOW U USE US TO BE UR EARTHLY HANDS AND SPEAK THROUGH US TO THOSE HURTING OR TO HELP IN ANSWERING PRAYERS...JESUS I PRAY IF SOMEONE U NEED TO BE UR HANDS OR VOICE TO HELP SOMEONE WHO PRayed for help ...I BEG U TO USE ME, BECAUSE I CAN IMAGINE HOW KNOWING SOMEONE PUT ON EARTH TO LOVE AND SUPPORT AND BE THERE FOR YOU WHEN CALLED UPON TO DO SO REFUSES DURING UR DARKEST HOUR COULD BE DEVESTATING IF NOT LEATHAL. IN JESUS NAME...AMEN
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 05:38:57 +0000

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