So many pages had the video Nancy White Cumpton sent me of - TopicsExpress


So many pages had the video Nancy White Cumpton sent me of Ferguson being a staged event. It seems to be a hot ticket. Others with this pathetic abbreviation psy ops! What the hell is that supposed to mean? PSY OPS! It may sound cool but this is not English & it explains bugger all but alright - maybe I should have handled this controversy from another angle. No way do I believe this was a hoax but what I should have said when Nancy initially suggested this killing was a yes. It could well be ........ but even if it is......... SO WHAT! What difference does it make? Lets say it was a false flag ........ the two pieces I wrote about Ferguson would require no editing. The aftermath is identical, EITHER WAY! So I concentrate on the tactical side of things as well as point the finger at the Zionists while others waste precious time & energy arguing the toss over something that is entirely irrelevant. Thats the long & short of it! Both Nancy & I agree on what their aim is. This makes it all the more annoying & increasingly Im thinking - do I need all this? From now on, maybe one or two posts a day but no more of this 10, 12 hours a day on FB. Its just too soul-destroying. Bad enough having personal insults thrown at my good self but Im tired & frustrated because Im fed up having to keep explaining why we should SCREW THE DETAIL! Unless youre writing a book or you simply wish to satisfy your own curiosity, if your aim is to wise a few people up, the last thing needed is bombarding readers with detail. I mean, its unbelievable - 13 years & people are still going at it hammer & tong on threads, arguing over every last detail of 9/11, even though all the evidence under the Sun exists to bury those responsible 10 times over. Then a tennis match ensues with comments, except the ball is a volley of abuse. It goes on for hours, back & forth - aahh youre one brainless xxxx. If Im brainless xxxx, youre a xxxxx! Oh yeah? You couldnt xxxxxx if you had xxxx & on & on & on. Thats the good news; Heres what does my head in - you see a thread on 9/11 with 200+ comments, verbal abuse all over the gaff........ & there is not one single mention of the Z word, the very people responsible for 9/11! Marvelous! Theyve taken over your country, my country & a whole load more. Theyve robbed you ...... I dont know how to adequately describe such an ungodly level of embezzlement - lets just say theyve stripped you bare, taken you to the cleaners & then for good measure, hosed you down! Yet pointing the finger at them is still taboo? Whats going on here? Soon theyre going to make it nigh on impossible to say anything. If I end up getting strung up by my balls at least I know I gave it to them with both barrels. But come on. Stuff the detail - start pointing the finger! If you want to enlighten people this is by far & away the most crucial piece of information one can pass on & once again, theres mountain of damning evidence. Also the media which they control, simply makes up the news to suit them. They never say anything remotely near the truth, yet its a cold day in hell hearing someone say how can it be that Zionists control all the media? This is unacceptable. Apart from the fact theyre the ones calling the shots, the only way we can apply serious pressure is if many more of us name & shame them. God forbid if we continue to allow them to slip under the radar. This is why over two years ago I told all my FB friends under no circumstances to send me any material regarding alternative 9/11 theories, such as Dr Judy laser beam Wood or there were no planes involved theory. All of a sudden trick photographys come into play; David Copperfield stepped out of his pram! What a joke! If they did, I said Id unfriend & block them. Howls of derision - how can you not want information? Dont you want to learn!...... You what? Dont I want to learn? Im a walking bleedin encyclopedia - dont I want to learn! So i tell them - theres good info, irrelevant info & theres info that drives a massive, great, big wedge into the 9/11 Truther movement! Yet, relatively intelligent folk could not see, not just the logic of this but the necessity! This is what the Zionist media wants. Muddling a clear-cut open & shut case just so they can show all the brainless bozos out there what a bunch of weirdos conspiracy theorists are. Over 60 friends bit the dust. Concentrate on naming the perpetrators. Getting them into the dock is priority no 1, 2 & 3. Dr Judy, more commonly known as plank of, is somewhere around 178! All the evidence we need, we have! The detail can be worked out later. What Im trying to do is to alert people to the hidden tier of power that transcends politics. One does not require documentary evidence & all that legal jargon! Wheres your proof? People actually tell me this! Proof? For crying out loud - war has been declared on us by the most evil gangsters imaginable. Ideally theyd like to wipe out 3-5 billion people, whoever they want! But when I open my trap & say I dont fancy this coup, you ask me for proof? Who do you think I am - Perry bloody Mason! This mob have got the lot; they want us brown bread & you want a goddamn Stewards Inquiry? Ever heard of common sense, freedom of speech, using your own initiative? The one great thing about FB - you can write what you want. Thats all I do. I never ask anyone to read my work or go to my page. If you want to read my work - fine. if you dont, no sweat. Courting popularity is a form of desperation. Just be yourself. if youre good, people will notice. If not chances are youre good at other things. For me if it makes sense & the dots connect, thats it. I dont have to prove anything! Neither do you. What we must do is get the fundamentals right. Understand the framework of power & influence. Rarely do I venture into great detail. What I try to do is explain in laymans terms whos doing what & why; I then back everything up with facts & evidence, & I round it off by making pieces entertaining to read without compromising the seriousness of the subject matter. I dont see too many people making predictions, saying what will happen. Anyone can be an after-event merchant; its no big deal reading a load of books & memorizing a shitload of stuff. Having analytical skills, reading through the lines with the minimum of fuss, seeing everything clearly even though youre being told a pack of lies. I was born with an urge to analyze everything. Therefore, I like to stick my neck out as far as I can because I want to show Im right. I dont beat around the bush, play Humpty Dumty, sit on the fence all the time. The gloves came off long ago. If you dont like being criticized, dont be a no-good lying crook! Thats why I say - Obama is a gutless cretin whos sold his country down the river. Yet though most people know politicians are mere puppets, too few go the whole hog & say whos really calling the shots. THIS IS THE CRUX OF THE PROBLEM! Everything that is happening in the US, all the laws past, all the policies, everything in the Middle East, all this mayhem in Ukraine, this bullshit war on terror, Malaysian planes falling out the sky - IS ALL DOWN TO THE ZIONISTS! Imagine Genghis Khan, Stalin, Mao Zedong or Al Capone being given the world throne. They could do whatever they like! Not a nice thought! In 1986 I told my uncle in Switzerland, who was very much into politics at the time, mankind was in serious trouble. Hardly prophetic, what with over-population, pollution, religion, climate change & politicians merely serving Mr whos got the biggest backhander. I went on to say these very words before we can think about going forward, we are going to have to take a step back. The trouble is, the step back is going to be a giant leap! Were heading back to the days of Julius Caesar! Well right now, the most repulsive people are systematically dismantling laws regarding fundamental rights, laws that have been integral in our drive for a free & just society, the very laws at the heart of mankinds quest to become truly civilized. Make no mistake, this is happening & the Zionists are leading the way. It should be obvious. Yet for years no one would ever mention the Z word, let alone point the finger. Why? Look at the way Zionists point the finger. They come out the traps at light speed when it comes to apportioning blame & 99 times out of 100, its one ginormous porkie! By letting them get away with it for years, small wonder they now feel theyve a licence to flatten neighborhoods in Gaza, loaded to the brim with defenseless civilians who are sitting ducks. Theyve nowhere to run - theyre surrounded. Hospitals, schools, UN compounds, even kids playing beach football are fair game to these genocidal maniacs. Yet even though they commit unimaginable atrocities in front of everyone, the very people who ARE being wiped off the map, are forever accused of being the aggressors. The fact this is sufficient; the fact these blatant lies are all they need to escape admonishment is deplorable; nothing short of a blight on mankind itself. If this problem is not addressed, you can forget everything else because if they have their way, they will make the Nazis look more like Pansies! This is no prediction or guess; you can take this one to the bank! IF NO ONE STOPS THE ZIONISTS, THEY WILL NOT STOP! And its full steam ahead right now. Syria now on the verge; only Iran left! Prediction time - Whatever deal is struck with the Iranians, some way or another the Iranians will be blamed for breaking the agreement (they are killing our vimin & our children) when the exact reverse is true. Over a year ago, before there was any grief in Ukraine I said watch them now throw the kitchen sink at Putin. But Ill admit - never in my wildest dreams would I have believed every major country in Europe would do the unthinkable & make an enemy out of Russia for no good reason. Not only that, each leader imposed sanctions & thus worked directly against the best of the people theyre supposed to represent. Why? Because this way the Zionists can turn up the heat on Russia as they are now doing with the plummeting oil price, turning the screws so that when the time arrives to take Iran out, Russia will have its hands full. In the meantime while the Police are being tooled up & given even more power, in the pipeline is legislation that will deem peaceful protesters are passive terrorists! Our civil liberties are vanishing. Dont expect the media to tell us anything because theyre very much part of the coup. This vermin Cameron has already said 9/11 Truthers are potentially as dangerous as Isis & that he would do all in his power to eradicate us! I wrote him a letter & said - I have one wish in my life. Only one. The day I see you dangle from a rope you treacherous little toe-rag, my life will be complete! This is whats happening now. With all this mayhem in the world there is but one common denominator & frankly Im astonished more people cannot see this monstrosity thats threatening to engulf us. It sticks out like a sore thumb. Start naming & shaming the Zionists. Thanks to Julia Ratsey for this link.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 21:31:35 +0000

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