So many people believe by fighting for environmental causes to - TopicsExpress


So many people believe by fighting for environmental causes to improve the life quality of our Air Water Land and Living Creatures, is a honorable and true goal. So few seem to be politically aware enough to understand what all these .orgs are really out to do. Not all that are government agents are .gov. Many of Govs agendas are masked as charity non profit orgs, many use non profits to filter money and to promote UN Agendas. Many are supported by large donors and small, but few are actually what they appear. They often work to implement regulations and laws that are actually helping you lose your future freedoms comforts and way of life. Not for the Environments sake or to create a better world, there unspoken aim is to Promote Agenda 21 Depopulation. Sustainable Development is a framework of thought to “save our planet” by harmonizing eco-systems with industry and population. In its most modern iteration (inasmuch it has been around a long time), it is the outcome of the Earth Summit, and is organized around “climate change”, man’s impact on environmental resources and the organic biosphere we live within. It is currently getting notoriety as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which is the Treaty that legally binds all nations to Agenda 21. Although much larger than this, we could summarize that it is the outcome of the Rio Earth Summit where Al Gore unveiled his Inconvenient Truths. It is a blueprint to ‘radically change the entire world in the name of Economic, Social, and Environmental equity. We ask ourselves where did Obama’s entire team of Czars’ come from? What is their role? Where did the language for all these massive Bills come from? Most of Obama’s czars are from the world of academia and had been contributors to the thoughts that went into this Global Vision as perceived and outlined by the United Nations. At the Earth Summit meeting Al Gore said: “Americans are going to have to face a wrenching transformation of Society.” Mr. Sagar of the Eden Foundation submits, “It is inherently illogical and otherwise irresponsible to suggest that human activity does not possess the potential to alter the Earth’s climate.” Alexander King, Founder of the Club of Rome adds: “Unless we find the means to change our thinking I can see little hope in solving the supreme problem for humanity – its impending extinction.” And they are steadily putting these ‘truths’ into practice. Just a few weeks ago, the United Nation held the Conference on the World’s Financial and Economic Crisis. UN General Assembly President Miguel D’Escoto blatantly moved the conference to denounce the free market system, saying, “Capitalism cannot be reformed…”He went on to say, “Egotism and greed cannot be corrected …we must go beyond controls and corrections… to create something that strives towards a new paradigm of social coexistence.” Based upon so-called ‘scientific proof’ that man is killing the planet, an entire framework of thought has evolved to re-shape the globe. It makes no difference that this evidence doesn’t even conform to the principles of the Scientific Method, nor even if it did, that it proves man has created climate change. The conclusions from these scientific tests are speculative. What does matter though is the importance it has to foisting a political agenda! The scientific proofs of this political agenda are based on conclusions that are extrapolated from a school of thought known as the ‘precautionary principle’. In a nutshell, the precautionary principle translates to this: If there is any possible risks, stop. If evidence is inconclusive, stop. If there is no proof, stop anyway. As a political agenda, the latter is transformed to mean that in the absence of proof, just repeat what you want others to believe long enough so that they also believe it, then pass legislation to prevent its’ outcome. Clever, isn’t it? This is the ‘science’ created by politicians, and it is this irrationality that is the driving force behind the notion of man-made climate change. It is this irrationality that has concluded that pets and babies are destroying our planet. If politics was not the engaged in the influence of people, a better case could be made that fish poop in the ocean, therefore fish are destroying our planet. Sadly, fish don’t pay taxes, so they are allowed to poop us into oblivion. Although 31,708 U.S. scientists have published research and tried to argue vehemently against the data upon which ‘the radical transformation of our Society’ is being predicated upon; have you heard any of them? They have been silenced, ridiculed, driven out of teaching positions, had Grants cut off, and some even imprisoned. ‘The Plan’ will not tolerate dissent. The United Nations IPCC also publishes a research review in the form of a voluminous, occasionally-updated report on the subject of climate change, which the United Nations asserts is ‘authored’ by approximately 600 scientists. These ‘authors’ are not permitted power of approval over the publication. They are permitted to comment on the draft text, but the final text neither conforms to nor includes many of their comments. The final text conforms instead to the United Nations objective of building support for world taxation and rationing of industrially-useful energy. Sustainable Development theory has encroached upon every American in ways they have not even recognized. The language of Sustainable Development has pervaded our society. When Bush signed us into UNESCO, the education of our children was to teach them global citizenship and environmental stewardship. Globally acceptable “truths” are now: Global Warming is globally-acceptable truth. The United Nations’ Declaration on Human Rights is globally-acceptable truth. Universal health care is globally-acceptable truth. Environmentally friendly transportation is globally-acceptable truth. The common good over the individual is globally-acceptable truth. Sovereign nations as a source of war is globally-acceptable truth. Global governance for the future peace of man-kind is globally-acceptable truth. Global citizenship is globally-acceptable truth. Severe reduction of the population is globally-acceptable truth. Many people have been forever speaking of some major ‘conspiracy theory’ afoot, and alluding to The North American Union, or the New World Order. They were partly right, although wrong. There is no conspiracy…there is no secret. If this is a conspiracy, it is the worst kept secret ever made by mankind, as it is published everywhere. You can type Sustainable Development in your search engine, and the millions of hits it will return will range from the U.S. Government, the United Nations, every major University, Corporation, NGO’s (non-government organizations), and on and on. Wow! Stealthy, aren’t they? When last I looked, there were over 26 million hits. Some secret! Remember, Sustainable Development is the theory. The ‘bad guy’ is Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is the means to implement the theory. Again, shhhhhh…this is very hush-hush stuff, returning only 58 million hits when put into the search engine! If you want to find out when the noose will tighten about your neck, well that too is well published and is called the Marrakech Transition Process. It only returns a paltry 1 million hits. G.H. Bush signed Agenda 21 in 1992. He did not need ratification or congressional process because this is not a treaty, it is merely a set of ‘soft-laws’. In 1993 Bill Clinton; by Executive Order; created the President’s Council of Sustainable Development. The Council of Czars, if you will. So while Conservatives flop around ineffectually because they have been so easily duped into dissecting all the content of the massive bills being thrown at us, the context from which it all stems from has been marching forward. Conversely, while Liberals are unwittingly cheering a universal Utopia because the context is being packaged behind a cascade of obfuscations, they fail to look at any content that could dispel the myths. Agenda 21 is completely bi-partisan, for when the coffin lid on America and personal freedoms shuts, we all suffocate together. Meanwhile, the Politicians are laughing at us, realizing how easily manipulated the people are. Study more here agendatwentyone.wordpress/introduction-agenda-21/
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 13:24:53 +0000

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