So many people have said really kind words to Dawn and me. They - TopicsExpress


So many people have said really kind words to Dawn and me. They are more appreciated than you can ever imagine. If you know me just a little, you know Im a sore loser. Last night, with many other great candidates and their support, I watched as a large group of amazing people were defeated IN THIS election, including the Yes Chattanooga crew. The child-like side of me wants to throw a fit about how unfair it is and stomp around. The bleeding heart side of me is working hard to understand how people can have so much hate in their hearts. I know its not the end and we are building momentum. Im not defeated, but Im human. To all of you experienced in the political arena, this was my very first political heartbreak. Like any heartbreak, you have to go through the stages of grief. Last night was denial, sadness, and anger. Today was sweating while removing all evidence that yesterday was the election (cleaning up signs). The disbelief, however, wont go away soon enough. Thank you to all of my friends and family, both new and old, that have supported me while I tried something new. To my wife: Thank you for believing in me enough to push me to take a chance. To everyone at the Dem Party, thank you for your knowledge and support. As for whats next: Go Mary Headrick! Lets defeat Chuck in November.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 20:39:44 +0000

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