So... many people, when they start getting into and understanding - TopicsExpress


So... many people, when they start getting into and understanding the Law of Attraction, start to worry about all of their negative thoughts. Heres what I want to say about that.... Remember our negative thoughts -- all our thoughts -- are part of this brilliant emotional guidance system. They are sign posts on our path letting us know if what we are thinking and doing are part of our truth. If you push negative thoughts away out of fear and worry you are actually keeping the vibration of those thoughts in your energy. Its resistance. And as we know, what we resist, persists. So -- what do we do with those? When you become aware that you are thinking negatively or you are feeling bad... stop. Take a minute and just acknowledge that you are thinking and feeling that way. Become the observer and just look without judgement at it. Breathe.... Then - start to ask yourself why you might be feeling that way. Where is it coming from? Most of the time what triggers the feelings is not actually what you are upset about so take a look at that. And then begin to bless, release and be grateful for those feelings and then move on. Know that that isnt your truth. Trust that your truth -- feels GOOD -- always! Be easy on yourself -- laugh at your self -- and exhibit unconditional compassion for yourself -- you are IN process and you are doing great! Also - it CAN be helpful to have a positive, loving friend to vent to once in a while. Sometimes it helps just to articulate your feelings... however... you do not want to keep telling your story over and over and over again because that will also keep the energy active in your vibration. You want a friend who can hold loving, non-judgmental space for you as you release and who will help you raise your vibration back up when you are done just by loving you and seeing the truth about you! ~~ Hope that helps a little loves...
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 17:16:48 +0000

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