So many photos of our magnificent local animals, and then we hear - TopicsExpress


So many photos of our magnificent local animals, and then we hear of all the dead animals being washed up on our peninsula. Something is going on :( Our very special friends from Dug-The Dugong & The Dugong Collective are some of the great people working tirelessly to save our dugongs and turtles. Please support our gorgeous animals by completing this petition URGENTLY! Hello Lisa, Fourteen turtles, two dolphins and a female dugong dead on our Peninsula beaches in the past few weeks... Please help by circulating the e-petition to as many people as you can?! Or folks can sign a hard copy on our stall outside ‘Price Busters’ on a Thursday & Saturday’ or at the Jetty Markets on Sundays. On behalf of the Clerk of the Parliament, I advise your e-petition regarding Moreton Bays habitat, wildlife and social sustainability has been posted to the Parliament’s website. Link attached. To: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland The petition of residents of Queensland draws to the attention of the House the current and future threats to Moreton Bay’s Habitat, Wildlife and Social Sustainability. Your petitioners therefore request the House to direct the Queensland Government to initiate an independent enquiry into the current and future threats to Moreton Bay’s Habitat, Wildlife and Social Sustainability. We also ask that in the interim a moratorium be placed on any hunting and killing of endangered animals for whatever social or economic justification, until information gathered by the enquiry can be properly evaluated and appropriate decisions enacted. Regards, Ray
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 01:56:13 +0000

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