So many times when talking to someone about SF not working for - TopicsExpress


So many times when talking to someone about SF not working for them I have found things out that really I can see why it is not working. Just yesterday someone told me they did not feel as hungry as before but not losing...asked if they had cut the sugar and junk carbs and the answer was not really..... Your body cannot burn body fat if your insulin levels are too high. You can exercise and do everything else right, but if your insulin levels are high…you will not burn body fat. The best way to insure low insulin levels is either by eating foods that are not processed and do not contain sugar-- eat real food - meat , eggs veggies, moderate fruit nuts..anything that is not man made will help you keep insulin levels low and keep your body in fat burning mode. Asked if she took it 30-60 minutes before meals with at least 8 ounces of water...the answer was not every day... The SF will work by helping you feel full and curb cravings. The #1 challenge to losing weight is over eating. Taken up to 60 minutes before you eat and always stopping before you are full is very important. Asked if she made sure to eat protein snacks or small meals every 3-4 hours and the answer was no. Real food is what you find around the outer aisles of the supermarket. This is where you find the fresh vegetables, fruits, meats, and dairy. You also find it in the frozen food cases. you will be more easily satiated because your body will get nutrients from real food. Real foods are nutrient dense and will not ignite cravings A few things to Ask yourself...What is your typical day of food?? Enough calories?? too many?? Are you eating 4-6 small meals ...real food not boxed or pre- made?? Do you have any health issues?? How old are you-- does your family have a history of obesity?Keep a food journal -- get at least 64 ounces of water -- follow this-- I give this to everyone whether you use Skinny Fiber or not --there are so many small changes that make a big difference--Here are some basic tips I have come up with in my many years of trying to lose that will help out on your weight loss journey!!! 1) Change the way you think about to live not live to eat! 2) NEVER drink calories!!! Soda and juice are full of sugar!! 3) Limit the carbs---bread pasta and potatoes--- STAY AWAY from premade boxed foods...worst ever high carb and sodium--low in vital nutrients!!! Big weight loss stopper!!! Avoid LOW FAT NO FAT usually loaded with sugar!! 4) Eat 4-6 small meals a day 5) Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day 6) Move your body...any amount of movement is good! 7) Focus on one change at a time Do not measure your success with the scale--measure yourself...get out a pair of jeans you can not wear anymore and look at them everyday...try them on once a week! These are your dream jeans 9) Visit the support group often...the motivation could make all the difference! 10) Tell yourself you are worth can do it and see yourself the way you want to be---I believe in you!!! ~Live for the day....know that we all fall.. just get back up! 1. Know your health issues. If you are an unhealthy person, please expect that it may take longer for you to lose weight. Reason being is that you need to get healthy first before your body will be READY to lose this extra weight. You may have some health issues due to the that that you are overweight. (please believe I am not being rude here, as I myself was almost considered obese when I started my journey). In the beginning of starting your Skinny Fiber journey (ONLY if you are unhealthy) you may consider taking 2 capsules 3x a day) If you do this you may need to buy (the first month you join) the Buy 2 get 1 Free or the Buy 3 get 3 Free so you have extra product. You see normally 1 bottle will last you 30 days if you take 2 capsules 2x a day (there are 120). So if you take 2 capsules 3x a day or 3 capsules 2x a day you will need 180 capules for the first month. If you are unhealthy I highly suggest taking the 6 capsules for at least 2- 3 months (60- 90 days) without fail. 2. Drink PLENTY of water........ The directions say to drink 8 ounces of water when you take your capsules, but personally for me I drink 16 ounces. (a full water bottle) then in between my next dose I will drink another 16 ounces. For ME THIS WAS THE HARDEST PART of taking the product. I was NEVER a water drinker! But now I am on my 53rd day of my 90 day challenge and drinking water has become very easy.. Im actually kind of craving it now... 3. Take it EVERY SINGLE day....... Ummmmm actually this is usually the hardest for people to do... They order the product, take it maybe every other day, forget doses and then tell me they want a refund... Seriously??? Come ON!! If you are SERIOUS about finally getting healthy, waging war on this obesity epidemic then we need to do this completely COMMITTED! Set a reminder on your cell phone. If you come to me and say this product doesnt work, I am going to ask you 2 questions. How unhealthy are you? And... Did you take the product (honestly)? 4. I get this question all the time... . What if I dont eat on a normal schedule. My answer is then take the Skinny Fiber product as if its medication. Take it every day at the same time like clock work and youll notice some amazing things will start happening! This is from my friend Jackie Stewart....... Some are very lucky and lose very fast others ---including me-do not-----When I started Skinny Fiber after years of failing using so many other things--- WW Nutrisystem---Prescription diet pills, hundreds of thousands of $$$ in weight loss product---I owned and managed nutrition stores for over 17 years and had everything imaginable at my disposal--- I heard about Skinny Fiber---thought oh yeah right another false promise!! I researched for 4 months---- I was a skeptic and a reason I did not even take before photos--the ones you see of me are ones that I had to dig up cuz I rarely allowed myself to be photographed I just did not believe it would work for me!! But the research was amazing--the health benefits were amazing and my thyroid and IBS was out of control--meds did not even help. I HAD TRIED OTHER TYPES OF FIBER AND ONLY PUT ME IN MORE PAIN--SO WAS SCARED AT FIRST!! I thought if it helps with IBS only then it is worth the $2 a day!!! In the first 2 days maybe even the first day--- my horrible and sometimes painful bloating was gone---had this for over a year--- had to unbutton my pants at work most days to relieve the pressure. Within a week or so was noticing I felt better--had a bit more energy. I was still waiting to feel full like it says but not giving up because I knew I was taking a great daily nutritional supplement.By week 2-3 I had come home from work to my usual late night meal--- 9 pm so bad--but those of you with this type of schedules understand!!! I mad a sandwich--yes I am a carb junkie---- I grabbed the chips---my addiction and sat to eat it--mindless and habitual eating--- I took one bite and stopped--- guess what--- I was not hungry--- First time I ever had that feeling---I always lived to eat and had never experienced the EAT TO LIVE feeling. I fed my pups my food and smiled--- this is when I knew that no matter how long this took--it was working---- I knew then that I had taken the best chance I could for my weight---my health and my life. I am down 3 sizes--took 4 months--- I am off all meds including my thyroid meds and I have no symptoms of hypoglycemia. I am no longer in terrible pain from Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, degenerative disc disease and sciatic nerve pain!!! Have not even taken an ove the counter ed for pain in over 10 months. The horrible IBS that interfered with my life almost on a daily basis is gone. My life has changed because I gave it 12 weeks. So do this---Take the SF 2 twice a day with 12 oz or so of water 30-60 minutes before your 2 biggest meals--- At times I even take 3 instead of the 2--PMS time usually.Eat at least every 3-4 hours to prevent your body from storing all the calories you eat as fat---when you go too long between meals the body thinks it is starving and will hold onto all it can.Cut the sugar and the man made processed foods-- full of empty non nutritious calories that lead to weight gain and water retention with all the sodium.Commit to 4- 6 weeks--- I gave it 12 weeks just because of being a career dieter---YES if you have dieted off and on for years you will lose much slower!! I did not mean to eat less--- I did not mean to cut all the junk carbs and sugar Skinny Fiber in time caused my body to do this on its own!!! . SF first starts working on the issues that are slowing the metabolism down, by correcting the body naturally and preparing it for weight los--that is done by the detox that takes place in the first few days or even weeks. The more off balance the body is, the longer it will take to see weight loss. Have had several that said they began to notice the weight or inch loss at the very end of the first bottle. Most important----Stop stressing about the scale--- the scale is the biggest reason people give up!!! SF targets fat loss and the inches will come off faster than the scale will show you a weight loss! Make sure you make small changes over time ---and remember in any life style change you will have peaks and valleys--- ups and downs--- If you are not prepared to be patient---then you are not ready to make a commitment to changing your life!! 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Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 14:38:46 +0000

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