So many times you see a rider punishing a horse, kicking or - TopicsExpress


So many times you see a rider punishing a horse, kicking or tapping the ribs repeatedly in frustration. The horse won’t go and the rider feels the animal is being stubborn or outsmarting the rider—it’s quite possible. But perhaps the rider is not asking the horse to do that side pass or extended trot in a way the horse understands--or maybe the horse doesn’t feel well that day but doesn’t know how to explain himself. So many mixed messages! Same goes with the dog that pees indoors, the cat that scratches the hand that feeds it . . . So many misunderstandings between human and animal. But speaking the same language doesn’t assure harmony. How many times have you had an issue with someone—or rather they with you, but you can’t figure out what is bothering them? They are not feeling well, or are unhappy and perhaps are taking it out on you. Or you said something they took the wrong way. Or you are of a different political persuasion and you refused to agree with their arguments. We can’t all think alike. We don’t. We can’t change people’s minds on some things. People see everything, experience EVERY THING differently. No wonder there are issues. Here is a particularly simple example of how things can go wrong. Recently I complimented a person on lovely pink cashmere sweater they had on. It was a coolish pink, yet somehow iridescent. Being an artist I’m always attuned to color, whether it’s clothing, sky, flower, or skin tone. The person came right out and very crossly stated it was an old sweater that was apparently pilling somewhere and I shouldn’t flatter people because it comes across as fake. I nearly fell over. Being fake is the last thing I’m accused of. In fact people probably wish I were more fake. I tired arguing that I love that shade of pink and I’d never seen it before. That attempt however fell on deaf ears and I began to realize as they continued being critical that their comments reflected not my lack of sincerity, but that person’s ability to see positive things in the world. I realized not to take offense. Walking through the world with a negative frame of mind is terrible enough. Sometimes you can ask what the real problem is before it becomes out of hand. Sometimes you just don’t want to go there and you leave it alone like a bad headache, hoping it will go away. All we can do is just apply kindness to the person’s perceived injury like a balm. You can do things for them and try to help them lighten up but be careful not to expect thanks. Your idea of kindness may not even be THEIR idea of kindness. Remember, you are doing this for yourself on a soul level. Love must be in understanding. Love must fill in the gaps where the not-knowing lies—kind of like a coat placed in the mud so that the angry person may cross unsullied. Repeated patience. Over and over. After all, you have your peace of mind to consider. It’s not worth involving yourself in whatever drama is going on in their heads. Then not only will your coat (or your patience) be in the mud, you too will be there—and wrestling with that angry person and not even knowing why. What a terrible thing, and yet it happens all the time. Try to catch yourself before you descend into another person’s hell. You may not hear the calm voice of spirit within you, calling you. But if you set aside several times during the day to check-in thru prayer and or meditation the fog will eventually lift. You don’t need to understand sometimes. Just love. If it’s not accepted, that’s okay. You’re still beautiful. Even in pink! We were all born to use our free will--to actively choose peace each moment of the day-- filling our hearts so that we learn to live and walk on earth with grace. What is more beautiful than that? If you enjoy these daily postings from our horse and dog rescue farm in Maine, please click the author name above and then LIKE the page. Thank you!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 00:06:35 +0000

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