So many women have called me asking me for a advice about becoming - TopicsExpress


So many women have called me asking me for a advice about becoming a bikini, or figure competitor. Many ask for advice with the expectation of a short and quick prep with little information or advice to their physique, frame, muscular build, aesthetics, cost of a show, cost of coaching, current training and diet, and more. Doing a show isnt just about dieting and if you are doing a show for the purpose of dieting excessive body fat to a goal date for the pressure I recommend that you dont! Please, hear me out. To dial into a show, you must have impeccable control over your emotions with food. That is actually the appealing part to dieters because hey have it in their heads this diet style is what will break them of their demons with food and give them a dream body.... Well it may come at a very hefty price!! Prep diet and training protocols are not a long term lifestyle plan and certainly can lead to eating disorders, a skewed mentality about food and eating, emotional issues coming back away from the show to build back up again... A competitor needs to start out with a fairly low body fat and a high threshold of maintenance calories for room to manipulate as the weeks go by. A prep diet brings individuals to uber low single digit body fat that is meant to be very temporary. Many girls are wanting to start a prep diet far overweight and with too few calories already! If youre starting a prep too far overweight than the harsh diet to get you there can set you up for a rebound and long term failure. The harsh dial in and cardio one would need to do can create serious health concerns including metabolic syndrome and adrenal failures. So many want to prep in an 8 week timeframe or close to that. We recommend that a prep for an already fairly lean but off season client run a gradually increasing diet for a show over a 16-20 week period of time. (If we write that competitors off season maybe even shorter) Its starts with a baseline caloric intake and clean up. That looks a lot like this: Food is still annoyingly abundant, measured, weighed, and all excess in the diet is thrown out. (Extra cheats, variables that arent consistent) not one single meal or bite of food is missed. Not one single moment goes by that you may forget anything at all in your day supplement and nutrient wise. THEN we start to manipulate the macros gradually toward your show. -our clients grow into their shows -our clients feel really healthy and strong, alert until the last few weeks. Then we all feel like total trash because mentally the light at the end of the tunnel has arrived and Being that dang lean doesnt feel awesome! -the skin has a chance to keep up with our fat loss and maintains tightness. -the mental struggle is gradually harder and often times much more tolerable because we have enough calories to work with and enough time. -rebound post show is something were careful about however we dont experience harsh rebounds from our clients that prep with us if they had the correct atmosphere for success. Starting with plenty of calories and time is critical to the rebound effect you hear about after shows. Instead of worrying about getting fat after a show, we want you to worry about the explosive period of time youll have to grow post show. We will be concentrating on immediate muscle gains and how to feed you up to take advantage of that window. (Again ladies and gents if we start you at a low spot with calories and not enough time... You can see the potential pitfalls Im hoping by reading all the above) -we are proud of how we diet our clients and maintain quality over quantity. We would like to not just diet you, we want to reveal you. In other words, build you from the inside out. You need the right muscle development in the right places to be present and showing through when all that body fat is burned away. If we dont have the muscles to reveal you will end up looking badly! Thats where our training experience comes in. We have to evaluate YOUR physique and make changes to your training to bring up aspects of your body and de accentuate others. I cant tell you how many hopefuls we have that hear the news that they arent ready. Were not in the business of crushing dreams and goals. Were here to tell you what you CAN do! You can do ANYTHING so long as you set your mind on it and can dig for the long term. Sometimes what you want will take time, communication, investment and of course hard work. So if youve heard Matt or I say, youre not ready youll also quickly hear us follow that with the positives..... Heres our prediction of when you could be ready and heres what we think it will take.....and that doesnt mean we cannot start! We need to build you up and thats a great thing! Youll be so much happier with your body and food life if we take the time to set up your diet and training correctly. And when its time to step on that stage.... Youll not be stepping on it for the reason of weight loss..... Youll be stepping on it to be a viable winning competitor because youll have an amazing, unique and intentional package to present. Everything will feel right and when the day is done and the show is over.... All youll worry about is improving on the already awesome package you have built. We have been giving information and evaluations to many girls and if you would like to have us go through the evaluation process with you to know where you stand, just ask and we will get you set up.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 12:05:55 +0000

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