So me and Judah went out and played some airsoft today. Despite - TopicsExpress


So me and Judah went out and played some airsoft today. Despite all Judahs technical problems we both still had a good time, at least I hope so. Very small crowd today, it is Sunday after all. But it also opened up a new play style for me. Usually when we go on Saturdays I just use the riot shield and call out where everyone is. Well since it was a small crowd today I decided to run around with the crappiest spring pistol ever. Little did the other team know I was accurate as hell. I had BB kills around thirty, thirty five today, and a good ten more bang bang kills. Judah on the other hand had kills in the triple digits using his MP7 and newly acquired L85? Or L86? I cant remember anymore. Correct me if Im wrong Judah. So I guess I had a good run today, not sure about Judah though because I dont know his average kills per day. Anyhow, I was nailing people with the spring pistol all day. At least ten people in the face mask from over fifteen feet. Its funny because if I didnt hit their face mask and they felt a small peck on their jeans or shirt they would look up like: What the hell? and I would have to tell them they were out. Also played with some awesome people today, most of them military, really good players. Judah and them gave the other team a five minute head start on the knot and the other team still lost. Also for the record the other team was a bunch of little arrogant kids. But if you dish out rounds you got to take them dont you? Little Robert got me some pretty good times today, in the upper legs mostly. Judah got me too, once in the shoulder a few times in the chest, and five or six times with his revolver when I tried to bang bang him. Not to mention his accurate as hell shots through the gap in the barrier. There is a half inch gap in the barrier where it doesnt fully meet the floor and I was crouching behind it kind of having a stand off with him and out of no where two BBs hit my shoe and I was like: wait what?. He is just as accurate, maybe even more. By the way little Robert missed you today Joseph. He played when he clocked out, on the enemy team, said he was disappointed because he wanted to shoot you. What else happened? Oh the amazing run I had today, thank gosh Judah was spectating or I know this wouldnt of happened. We were playing a bomb game where you grabbed a duct taped propane tank, the bomb, and brought it to the center to fake explode. Well the bomb was in the turret of the tank. The second the ref said go I took off. Charged all the way to the tank without even looking over, climbed to the top, grabbed the bomb, climbed down as an enemy player came charging in, somehow not seeing me, and I ran all the way to the center throwing the bomb into the pipe and winning the game. Only took like a minute and a half, which is pretty quick considering the distances and the full on charge. It was a good day today.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 03:51:23 +0000

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