So, me and Soma (aka Shivnaz Bharadwaj) will be primary leaders - TopicsExpress


So, me and Soma (aka Shivnaz Bharadwaj) will be primary leaders during Saturday Operations. This is a post about the Communication Tree. Its not too much, but you need to understand how we do it to participate to effectiveness. Side Chat This acts as a broadcast to all players on the same side. Only platoon-critical messages should be said over Side Chat, since literally every player on that side hears everything spoken on that channel. The Platoon Commander may use this to say important things to all players at once. This will be mainly in use by me, and other main operation commanders. Vehicle Chat When using this mode, every player within the vehicle will be able to hear you, regardless of what group theyre in. This mode is excellent for crew communication, since multiple tanks can stay in the same TS2 subchannel for overall section coordination yet each tank can communicate internally via the Vehicle Chat, which overall means that every tank crew can coordinate tightly with themselves while still maintaining communication to the overall element. Think of this as the internal vehicle comm system. Group Chat This mode allows every player within your group to hear you. We use this for Fireteam chat primarily, since each of our in-game groups is fireteam-sized. This allows for excellent group-level coordination and communication. When a fireteam (or other element) wants to talk to their sister elements (ie the rest of the fireteams in the squad, and the squad leader), Think of this as fireteam-level personal radios. Direct Speaking This mode is just like talking without any sort of radio. Your voice comes from your characters location, is directional, and the character even lip-syncs what youre saying. Your voice will be affected by everything that influences in-game sound, so if you run behind a building and try to talk to someone, your voice will be muffled and indistinct. Direct Speaking is excellent for communicating with people around you regardless of what group they may be in. Shouting Grenade! over Direct Speaking is one example of how it can be used effectively. (People directly impacted by service change: Saiko, Caleb, Caleb, Robert, Joe, Anthony, ect.)
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 20:07:46 +0000

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