So me and my friend (who happens to be a man of color) are driving - TopicsExpress


So me and my friend (who happens to be a man of color) are driving my big Ford 350 pickup to Home Depot this morning and we pass a cop driving the opposite way on a busy little road almost at HD. We pull into the parking lot in Home Depot and a moment later who pulls in behind us but the cop car... SO we are already getting out of the car as he walks up and says What are you doing? We look at each other and both say Were going to Home Depot. For what? he asks. To buy stuff for a job. My friend says. Wheres the job? Where are you from? Occidental. I answer irked by the presumption that he would interrogate us for no reason. Where are you from? I ask innocently? He looked at me stunned... Thats not information that you need to know. He then goes into the cop routine and asks for our IDs... Where are your papers etc. in the HD parking lot. ????? Luckily I own the truck and we had all the papers. SO were standing there and I decide to turn the tables on him and diagnose the guy. You know I say, I think youre a little dehydrated... and perhaps a little malabsorbed as well. You could really benefit from drinking some salt water in the morning to stoke your kidneys so they can do their job of processing your fluids more effectively. And why would you say that? he asked. I briefly told him I was in Ayurvedic practitioner and specialized in reading faces. etc. I could tell he was uncomfortable as we waited and I went on about what he could do to be healthier given his hot Pitta constitution... As soon as word came back groovy from the police radio, he about ran to his car. So all is well. But I cant help thinking that the only reason he turned around to hassle us in the first place was because my friend was guilty of driving while brown. And so I just want to say that I feel like today I bore witness to what I think is random yet systemic racial profiling in Sonoma County and a sad waste of taxpayer money. WORD.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 22:46:44 +0000

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