So millions of foreign squatters in our country are “part of the - TopicsExpress


So millions of foreign squatters in our country are “part of the backbone of our economy So, let me get this straight, we lazy, inept Americans, all 350 million of us, are supported by those who are in our nation illegally. Screw Dat! Illegals don’t support us, we support them, and their families, and their extended families. She “qualifies” her absurd statement along the way, reciting the usual “caring about young people or anybody who has never known another country who is squatting here to make a better life and isn’t a member of al-Qaeda is entitled to stay, argument.” It is sort of like someone saying that ticks or fleas function as the backbone of a dog. There is no limit to her dishonesty or the lengths to which she will go in the name of feeding her insatiable lust for power. Our open borders are an invitation to terrorists whose only mission is to bring harm to innocent citizens of our country.Far be it for me to put an end to the clown act that Democrats have decided should be running their national committee Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the best DNC chair the RNC ever had, but her mendacity is bringing us into the realm of international embarrassment. It was already common knowledge that Wasserman Schultz is a serial liar. Truth-challenged DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz has moved beyond political hackery, she’s arguably in need of mental therapy.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:23:53 +0000

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