So much depressingly familiar comment after such a hateful - TopicsExpress


So much depressingly familiar comment after such a hateful atrocity. Je suis Charlie Hebdo? Not really. Does anyone have to champion the sentiments of its cartoons and republish them to prove their courage and belief in free speech or to adequately express condemnation? No. I dont see much in them to like or laugh about. I uphold the right to create them without fear of murder. Anti-Muslim protests are likely to gather pace across Europe, community relations will be tested to their limits and violent attacks could well increase. Under the guise of free speech, it’s likely that the haters will emerge – from both sides – seeking to drag us all down into the quagmire of their hatred and a world which they would happily turn to ash. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen. Just as importantly, we must call out and expose the actions of those Islamist extremists who actively or indirectly provide support for the brutal ideology of the militant jihadists. We must expose the very ideology itself and provide no tolerance for those who call for the murder of gays, non-believers, and apostates. None of this will be easy and there will be many calling for harsh measures and simple black-and-white solutions. But now more than ever it’s vital to defend the notion of a society where we ALL fit, where the language of hate, exclusion and zealotry finds no hold. So let us remember those who lost their lives in Paris by promising to re-double our efforts to stand up for equality, tolerance, democracy and respect.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 22:12:47 +0000

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