So much for the “Obama is a moderate” meme his media - TopicsExpress


So much for the “Obama is a moderate” meme his media stenographers are pushing. Next time that really annoying democrat you know tells you there are no communists in the Marxist-democrat party, show them this. Their party is infected with them. You might also give them this link. After all, only 100 million people were murdered in the name of communism! (or more) Can’t happen in America? Remember Obama’s murdering domestic terrorist buddy William Ayers, the fellow who ghost wrote Obama’s first book? (allegedly) Well, Ayers and Weather Underground co-founder Jeff Jones, who helped write much of the $1 trillion Obama stimulus package, were dead serious. As FBI informant Larry Grathwohl points out in the video below, Obama’s mentors not only advocated re-education camps for those who didn’t go along with their visions of a communist utopia, they were prepared to slaughter as many as 25 million Americans to make their nightmare come true! Remember, these people are now “respected educators” and members of foundations. They are also close to Barack Obama. Oh, and don’t forget the “mainstream media.” Many “name” journalists and members of academia are communists. A look at the 45 Communist Goals For Take Over Of America shows us that the Marxists are well on their way to realizing their sick vision for America. This is why it is essential to defeat every democrat in every election, at every level. They are the natural enemy of Freedom, Liberty, and the American way. They are the enemy of the Constitution, as well as the Rule of Law. They must all be defeated, and their kind must never be elected again. As we saw with the recent death wishes for Sarah Palin by NH Marxist-democrat politicians, as well as the hundreds Stacy Drake recently reported on, these people ARE exactly like the bloodthirsty radicals Larry Grathwohl described in the videos below: Evil, and highly dangerous.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 21:02:16 +0000

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