So much for world conscience!! Israeli bombers are relentlessly - TopicsExpress


So much for world conscience!! Israeli bombers are relentlessly killing the Gazans. So far 120 civilians/women/children have been butchered and another 500 are injured On the other side, only one Israeli has been injured by the hundreds of missiles lobbed by the Hamas! Yes, an Israeli woman has also died of a heart attack while rushing to a safe bunker on an alert siren!! Yet, the Arab world including the Champions of Islam are dumb like stones over this crime against humanity!! The slavish UN is issuing only hollow appeals for a ceasefire. The US has affirmed its support for Isarel. And our Pakistani warriors are busy settling scores with one another, if not bracing for the final battle to capture the citadel of Islamabad, come August the 14th! Indeed, we as a state, society, religious community or part of the global populace are facing the worst of all times. There may be many reasons for this universal decadence of the Muslim world, but there are five causes that form the most common ones: 1. Lack of education and social institutions 2. Lack of democracy and political freedom 3. Lack of tolerance and religious freedoms 4. Lack of sciences and technologies 5. Lack of gender equality and patriarchy Once the other races, states and nations also had these deficits, but they struggled and made up for them. No wonder Israel, a tiny state of a few million people, is over and again beating black and blue not only the captive Palestinian population of Gaza and West Bank but also all the Arab states containing hundreds of millions of people and far more plentiful natural resources!! The difference lies between modernity and medievalism!! Though the Israeli Zionists are acting no worse than the medieval tyrants, yet they get away with all their atrocities only because the have developed in the post-war period sufficient intellectual, financial and academic depth in Israel and in the US-led western world through the cosmopolitan Jewry which exercises powerful influences over a whole range of important areas--academia, financial institutions, media, arts, sciences, philosophy, political science, economics and literature ! But alas ours is a world that is still waiting for an age of renaissance and enlightenment. instead, it remains as ever divided in itself, And against itself!!
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 17:29:51 +0000

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