So much has broken out and yet it hasnt even started yet, the - TopicsExpress


So much has broken out and yet it hasnt even started yet, the major stuff comes 14th-23rd. and then a major period till the 28th of integration (take it easy and be gentle with the body) then off we go again onto the waves as we hit a 5pt wave and start learning to balance in multiple worlds starting on the 5th of May till around the 15th, with a few days break till around the 18th and then we will get hit hard around the 18th-27th with a stabilization period and a new Authority on earth raising around the 28th of May, and then the next major event i know of is the changing of the guard in Dec. those of you who are 18-40.. you have your work ahead of you master yourselves and master your space. listen to your body and listen to your heart. and share from authenticity and remember... LET THERE BE LIGHT. the ride has just began and we are ready. take comfort in knowing you can handle this. you have trained and are prepared for what comes next. so breath and know... you are stronger then this...
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 07:53:17 +0000

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