So much pain and suffering goes on with most of us oblivious to - TopicsExpress


So much pain and suffering goes on with most of us oblivious to it. The world and its goings on are mostly ugly. We just ignore it because for all the technology that can bring it to us in living color and we claim as trophies of our superiority over the rest of the animals we can look the other way. The country I once knew as great and envied by the world is no longer. Were a nation of people stuck together on a continent who hate each other. No one wants to say it out loud but we still kill each other because of color only now we are silent about it because its not the right color or more accurately the one that sells news, books, and movies. We have no respect for anything that made us a once good but admittedly flawed people, but for all those flaws we were united. Isnt it sad that the only thing we are willing to back beyond skin color or religious belief or nationality is a sports team? One of our biggest and most beloved holidays is being slowly eradicated because it offends someone. Hate me and call me names if you wish but it was a failed experiment called diversity that killed us. Humans fear and loathe anything different and that is a fact of existence that will never change, no matter how much you try to train them with purple dinosaurs and hand puppets who count. We are teaching our kids not to excel and rise above, but to succumb and bow to anyone who complains. There are a lot of people who genuinely love this land who think we should change it for everyone else to be good human beings. You are wrong I say. Instead of acceptance, assimilation should have been the goal. Still, there are those few things that make it bearable though. My sailor niece is home from deployment. The Factors move on into history with two new additions grand niece, Marley and grand nephew, Kristian. The lady I eat dinner with every night actually wants to live here wit me with all my faults and fallibilities. By the grace of God and blessings of family and those still given to old warriors I fall asleep at night under a roof with a full belly and warm blankets. I have an honest hope that things will get better for this country but I dont think it will. I wish I knew where to send the flowers of sympathy for the country that died. Lots might say send them to the White House. Truth is they might actually be correct, but not for the reason they would say. Obama and the progressives are a poison this nation may survive, but the real infection that will finally kill it is one no one wants to admit is festering just below the skin. Okay. Gonna go back to my computer game and ignore the low wailing moans of lady liberty like everyone else. If I offended anyone Im not sorry. Im sick and tired of having to apologize for being American and loving the things that make me one.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 19:29:31 +0000

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