So much stuff floating about in regards to Muslims, terrorism, - TopicsExpress


So much stuff floating about in regards to Muslims, terrorism, raids etc - so much hate. Heres a thought: What we so often do as people is link behaviour to races and groups of people. What we forget is its the behaviour we dont like and begin to hate the person or group of people. Being real - the raids were conducted because of ties to terrors in which proved to be correct, it matters not who you are or where youre from, that BEHAVIOUR is commonly not tolerated. Now heres the truth and how the generalisation is formed: lots of extremist Muslims have been doing just that behaviour therefore many people are creating an unconscious link between behaviour and group as a whole. Yet what is the real issue? So we have this beautiful place called earth of which we all live, and there are so many different races, religions, beliefs and values that people are, have, cling to and have construct their right, wrong, possible, impossible, yes and no. So whats the issue? Could the issue be that to every belief, ideology and so forth, theres a just as powerful counter frame/ polar opposite? Could it be that people dont like massive change? Could it be that people are inflexible in their behaviours and beliefs? Could it be that people think that their right is the only right and all else is wrong? Could it be that so many seem to ignore one simple truth: its not about who starts something, its not about getting an upper hand - its easy to fight, go to war and be unyielding, its what weve done for centuries. Its about realising we are all from the same place and its about finding resolution not conflict. Could it be all of that combined and more? Through out history theres been a lot of nasty things weve done as people - regardless of culture, race or religion. To say Muslims are extremist terrorists! Is just as easy to counter with The KKK are Christian extremist terrorists! To every frame you can find a counter - I see it in comment threads, I hear people saying it all the time, yet seriously... What good does it do? Do I beleive Islam is a good religion? Thats not important, people are people, the problem arises where groups of people try and force their beliefs and ideologies down other groups of peoples throats which only creates an abreaction followed by anger and hate which in turn makes the party that are forcing the ideology even madder and do more extreme behaviours because the other party reject their ideas and beliefs. So wheres the middle ground? What does it mean when a religious group with stiff guidelines on whats right and wrong and what should be done and not be done, come to places which hold different beliefs, values and ideologies and choose to group together and not conform to the establishment that is already present? Who is right and wrong in this case? Who has the right to get angry? Are all people that follow islam bad? NO! There are just groups of people that are bad and happen to follow that religion - whered it start? Did it start with the religion OR did it start with one bad person influencing others and then expansion occurs to the point where what was one bad person is now thousands of people that may not have been bad but have been influenced in such a way that now theyre in that mindset... People forget the ripple effect of behaviour... Being real, what would happen if ISIS/ISIL were to just cease the tryanny and terrible BEHAVIOURS they are currently doing and just lived normally, in peace with the world? Would that lead to a peace outcome? Would the gorvenments continue raids and sending troops overseas etc? War is easy, being the first to yield in order to achieve a greater more global outcome is harder... The next line of thought then becomes this: Well they should yield first!! To which we must assess what would likely be best... From an outcome related perspective: The outcome of ISIS/ISIL is to essentially create conformity and have the entire world in line with their beliefs and ideology (to generalise their outcome) And being real, how much pain, hurt and heartache would that create to all the people that are already in their on worlds, have their own beliefs and points of views - to have that happen is tyranny and pain and one can assume that collectively nobody wants that so it can be assumed that would be a less than ok option. If ISIS/ISIL were to yield and just go to being peaceful and happily enjoy their beliefs and ideology amongst those on the same path/group: Would that in all honesty be a much more effective and globally acceptable course of action? Majority of people are not trying to say dont be Muslim! They arent trying to squash it from existence therefore the world would likely be able to continue forth in some semblance of peace and order. Remember that a person is not their religion - we dislike the behaviour they are doing, not necessarily the religion, therefore we must stop saying the Muslim terrorists! That just create a raging arguments! The simple fact is these people are just supporting terrorism and that hurts people on a global level which I think to most people deem unacceptable... They just happen to be Muslim. Anyway, just a thought... I personally beleive in love, compassion and kindness - I think it can change the world.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 01:54:01 +0000

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