So my Dad is still hanging in there and I talk to him as much as I - TopicsExpress


So my Dad is still hanging in there and I talk to him as much as I can every day. When I was visiting him, I told him about the new Rigor Mortis album. Because thats the band he really remembers... he drove here for the first Rigor Release Show back in 1988. Anyway, I told him how our friends and fans pitched in over 20 grand to help us release the album. He just couldnt believe it... it seemed to perk him up. Later that night my Dads wife told me that he wanted to hold on at least until this album comes out. He said... I wanna be here when Bruce makes it big with this new album, it must be really good for them to pitch in that much. Now I know better than to think that I will ever make it big. But that sure made me feel good inside when I knew he said that. Anything to keep him fighting is a great thing at this point. I also know that my Dad wont rest easy until he knows what will happen to him. Hes been too old to work for awhile, his wife has had recent health issues too. Fact is they dont have enough for a funeral. So he wants to be cremated he says... because it will only be around $2,700. They are working on getting that together. His Army military records we burned in the well-known 1973 Fire in St. Louis that lost so many military records. So they keep saying they are still working on it. They would have covered this if they could ever get it worked out. In the end... I told him what he needed to hear. I said... Dad, if I make anything from this new Rigor Mortis album... I will use it to help you out. I will make sure we get the money somehow no matter what... so dont you worry about that, okay? I could sense that my Dad wasnt going to be able to Die peacefully until he knew that would be taken care of. I never had thought about it before myself... I never have thought about what happens to you if you die and no one can afford to pay for burial or cremation. Do you just get thrown away? Are you put in a place that people can come pay their respects? I mean I still dont really know. But I kind of understand how my Dad feels now. So I just wanted to ease his mind... that I would take care of it if needed. I could see the worry in his face wash away instantly... I will never forget it. I just wanted to share that... and let yall know my Dad is hanging on and how hes more proud of me than hes ever been in his life. But the truth is... thats exactly how I feel about him right now. Hes gonna make it until Oct 7 and beyond.... I just know it!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 00:20:18 +0000

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