So, my LTE made the print edition today, but not the online - TopicsExpress


So, my LTE made the print edition today, but not the online edition...............So here it is To: editor@leaderherald During your term we have started to turn Gloversville in the right direction? Really, Dayton. STARTED???!!! I suppose the decisions of the 20042007 Common Council, of which your opponent Jim Handy was a member, that brought Gloversville from a $1,600,000 general fund deficit to a $1,300,000 fund balance means nothing in your limited universe. You know that Walmart Supercenter you’re so proud of, and the revenue sharing agreement with the Town of Johnstown? Guess who started both? The answer is NOT YOUR ADMINISTRATION!! Mayor LaPorta kicked off the super center and Mayor Hughes started working with the Town of Johnstown. He didn’t even receive an invite to your signing ceremony. Mayor LaPorta was only invited to the supercenter kickoff because of Councilperson Wentworth. You know why taxes didn’t increase Dayton? Gloversville is at its legal tax cap and cannot increase taxes. The uninitiated may see this as some sort of laudable achievement. Those of us who know about these things realize it’s a bogus claim.. You talk about strong management and conservative budgeting. Your first budget (2011) contained almost $700,000 in fantasy revenue the Common Council had to eliminate from your proposed budget. Your second budget proposal (2012) contained almost $500,000 in fantasy revenue. Once again, the council saved your bacon. After that, you found it would be more effective to work with the councilman-at-large, short circuiting the separation of powers requirement of the charter, to submit a budget the council might actually pass. That’s not economic leadership. It is interesting that you consider yourself on duty at all times. Your employees claim to almost never see you during working hours. As for your Facebook fetish, how many of us with alternative viewpoints have been banished to cyber obscurity by you? Many of us have no access at all to your Facebook page because we had the temerity to disagree with you. Truly, fair and balanced leadership. Yeah right. As for city departments, since taking office, Transit’s income from non-taxpayer sources plummeted during your four years, the Fire Department will have waited almost three years before they receive a ladder truck, and you torpedoed a huge amount of Fire Department personnel cost savings through your histrionics on the council floor in 2010 and that’s just a preview of your perfidy. Four hundred words are insufficient to detail the calamity that is your administration. Judith Marcoux Gloversville
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 20:57:12 +0000

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