So my daily negotiations with a murder of crows continues. The - TopicsExpress


So my daily negotiations with a murder of crows continues. The deal seems to be that if I throw birdseed out onto the lawn then they wont break my bird feeder. They sit in the trees and watch me to make sure I am doing it right. Reminds me of the time that the wild came into my house. I was living in the woods at Coldstream and i was in the next room under the headphones. The cats were sleeping peacefully on the couch. Suddenly a crash! and everything went nuts. A big hawk had cruised out of the trees and right through the big window, knocked itself out on the dining room table and rolled to a halt inches in front of the cats. First problem was the cats. Ski gloves protected me as I corralled the snarling beasts and tossed them onto the back porch. By that time the hawk woke up. Man they are big when you see them in your front room. His eyes were a blue million miles. Perched over the window sill, defiant and fully conscious now he was a dangerous wild animal that had to be dealt with. I got the wicker laundry basket out of the back room and, still in ski gloves, pinned him under it and slowly moved the basket down to the hole in the window. Given the chance, out he went. It was the same way I get rid of bees and wasps with a drinking glass. Very intense couple of minutes. I hope those crows dont get in here looking for the source of the birdseed. Theyre pretty clever.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:03:34 +0000

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