So my friend Chelsea Mueller challenged me to put up seven lines - TopicsExpress


So my friend Chelsea Mueller challenged me to put up seven lines from page seven of my work in progress, which would be Soulbound. Heres a bit more than seven lines --as if I could be brief. Ha! Typical caveats: UNEDITED (typos may be present) and may be subject to massive changes. ;-) In which Miss Eliza May finds an injured dog chained up in the Auntie Mabs dungeons.... Eliza rested her hand upon the dog’s hind quarter were the fur was slick and damp. But no sooner did her palm make contact then a great puff of glittering dust rise up around the dog, obliterating it from her sight. Eliza coughed and sat back on her haunches to get away from the swirling dust. Just as fast as it appeared, the dust dissipated. A strangled sound escaped her. There, on the stone floor, lay not a dog but a man. Long, muscular limbs, broad shoulders, endless skin. Though it was clear that he’d been exceptionally strong at a time, he was battered and waisting away now. Muscles stood out like thick hemp ropes beneath too tight and too pale skin. Skin that was slashed and bleeding. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph.” Gaping down at his badly broken leg, Eliza found herself too shocked to move. The heady scent of myrrh and heated male flesh surrounded her with dizzying effect. She knew this scent. The torment of it and how it made her breath quicken and her nipples tighten. No, no, no. It cannot be. With a trembling hand, she reached out and plucked away the linen that covered the man’s head. Her heart turned over in her chest as her insides plummeted. “You!” Her shout echoed in the small space. Gold eyes peered at her from under a mop of black hair. His rich, dark voice was weaker now, slurred and stilted. But it still had the power to unsettle. Adam. “Hello, dove. Did you miss me?” END! Right then, my tagging capabilities seem to be malfunctioning. So Ill put it to you all. Tag your favorite author! (Theyll love me for that one. Heh. ;-) )
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 13:09:40 +0000

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