hard earned money that I bust my ass for not only goes to - TopicsExpress

   hard earned money that I bust my ass for not only goes to UNWORTHY welfare recipients, but it also goes to the INSURANCE COMPANIES to help pay for the horrible drivers in this state, that are UNINSURED and that file CLAIMS, bc they have no clue how to drive?!? So the insurance companies raise your premiums, no matter what, even if you have no points on your driving record, no claims and no tickets, to help pay for these HORRIBLE drivers claims?!?! When do the people at the DMV start getting fired?!? Thats like my boss taking money out of everyones check bc someone else cost the company money!! Since when did the people that do what theyre supposed to do, get penalized for the WORTHLESS people that dont do what theyre supposed to do?! When did the honest and hard working people become the whipping boy of society?! Im so over ignorance and lazy ass people.....its honestly an epidemic spreading like wild fire.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 14:46:01 +0000

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