So my life continues to kick my ass, went to go to the store to - TopicsExpress


So my life continues to kick my ass, went to go to the store to get milk and one box of lights to finish my tree and my truck wont start, it did that, oh my fuel filter or some shit is clogged, and I have over a 1/4 tank..tried a few times,almost then the battery was dying..Dazes truck was towed to Bobbys work Wednesday night, still trying to figure that one out, its not like I was asked if thats where I wanted it, but I guess he was going to look at it..Tranny issue Im sure.. something I cannot afford so why bother..if it were here I could of drove to the gas station since I need 4 more gallons of gas to get it to start and a jump...Got the boys SSDI payments and Quintins is a few hundred dollars short so I am a few hundred dollars short on bills, seriously Disability CANT YOU GET IT RIGHT!!!! twins same issue same amount, I will be in their office come Monday,if I have to walk. Child support is nowhere to be seen either, but hes working, Child support officers have everything I can give them,company name, address, phone number, vehicle type,make and model of his truck even pictures of it and his side jobs. I cant even get them to pick his sorry ass up. Other women just make a simple phone call and there at the door in minutes..Oh but not for me...Im just over looked used and forgetten about..I struggle with a job that hurts my back so bad I can barely walk without tripping over my feet come the end of the day, The detergents have stripped all the oils off my hands my fingers are cracked even had a fungus that took 3 months to clear up, wear sleeves and gloves just to wash the dogs..all so I can get a paycheck, dont get me wrong I love working but this was the only job I could find,just had one at night in an emergency clinic but had to quit because my kids had to be picked up or dropped off or had other things,so a night job wasnt for me. We were hoping Daze could pick up that slack in just 2 weeks she gets her license,but now her/mine truck is acting like an ass...still owe 4 grand on it thats what gets me the most..she was so looking forward to driving alone. I feel so bad for her..Ok I guess Ill walk back to the gas station before it gets really cold and get more gas..and YES I am done with my rant..sorry I have no friends here to talk to so you people on FB are all I have so Im giving you an earful...ok Im done, ill be ok always am and I figure it out for myself and my kids..I am Jersey strong remember!! just needed to vent! hope you all have a good one..until next chapter good night! :)
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:35:44 +0000

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