So my lovelies, here is the third instalment of my heart to heart - TopicsExpress


So my lovelies, here is the third instalment of my heart to heart with you all this week and why I am genuinely reviewing everything. Thanks for taking the time to read these. I have my camomile tea in hand, my rich tea biscuits and Im touched to share this moment with you. So before I go on - newsletter check. For you guys who havent seen any previous posts connected to this before, if you would like to receive my upcoming newsletters, please message me your email address so I can put you on my list. And new group check. I have opened a group called Project Butterfly Free for times like this where my reach is down, offering us another space to connect through out the week and where I can write more freely. So please find it and send a request to join if that sounds good for you. Its becoming a lovely little community there too and welcome to all the recent newbies there as well. Tonight I was thinking Id write about my books and my prints and other products I am in the midst of creating. Firstly though, I just want to say I have struggled so much with this part of what I do. The idea of marketing myself and my work cuts me in two most of the time. I am right now looking at why that is. It could be to do with my English blood. Lol. Ive been told we are a modest and self-deprecating lot. But in this age of intense and extremely competitive marketing and sell-yourself advertising, I have felt really out of place, especially after coming across certain truths these past four years that have become the foundation of my life, but in energy they contrast to the energy of the marketing world. To be an author now, you have to literally sell your work. Publishers will not take on authors that dont have an intense marketing campaign set up to build awareness on themselves and their work. Long gone are the days where your writing just does the talking for you and ha! Those are the days I long for. Like so incredibly much. I have written a chapter ebook and another ebook of quotes and passages from my work on this page that are available for purchase and most of you probably dont know that because I tend not to mention it anymore because I feel mentioning it a few times is enough. They both havent really sold very well though they are deep and thought-provoking works, and that has got to be down to my lack of marketing etc but it is difficult for me to summon up the energy to get into a constant selling mode. My problem is that I always think there must be another way. My sales show there probably isnt. And sometimes that is hard to swallow because I find so much of marketing demeaning to the seller and customer too. In whatever it is Im trying to create through my love of words and life, I have been hesitant to become a personality or an authority. I dont want that at all. (Sigh) I just want to write freely and organically, making enough from that to support my family. I dont have answers. I have questions that take me places. I love to contemplate and observe and watch and record. I love to muse. To wonder and wander and lose myself in the gentle movements of the spirit of life as I watch dew tears fall from the trees. I like to craft stories and poetry from what I learn and see but ultimately what I am today I expect to be far different tomorrow. I am journeying and changing and constantly exploring myself all the time. I am on a path of freedom and there always feels more beauty to free around me and within me as my perspectives mature. I am unfinished, never to finish because I just dont think there is one. And so my way has been if people resonate, they will find me and my work. But in this huge cyber world of thousands of voices, my own little voice can easily be drowned out and I am learning the hard way that its just not as simple as Ive told myself. And so, yes, I feel I have got something to give and yes, I think its original, I think it has a very special quality to it, but how to best distribute it so that I can tend to my familys practical needs and reach people, touch people, move people at the same time, I havent found just yet. I have my first novel with my agent trying to get me a book deal and as I wait for that, I continue in this wayward journey of being a writer. I have always loved making books and so I have decided to make butterflies and pebbles scrapbooks. I am working on a handful of orders at the moment. I love graphic design, putting words to image, crafting words to paint images and so I have started making frameable prints of my writings as well. That has been so much fun and thank you to all who made an order of my work in my last print run over August and the majority of September. I am currently also working on making homemade pocket journals of my prosetry and that just makes me feel so free and excited. I love touching the paper with my hands, sticking artwork on the pages, each one my little project of love at the time. My breathing is deep as I do these things. Im so grateful to have established the idea a couple months ago. It feels like a really promising business venture. Perhaps this way my writing might be able to do the talking after all. I do hope so. Please let me know if you would be interested in any one of these things Im doing. Im putting a new book together of oracle poetry (I really want my next book to be one of poetry) and I am also drafting up a 2015 calendar. Images, poetry, prose, quotes, pointers, wisdom...I have an idea, now just to bring it into fruition on Photoshop. I will open up preorders on both of those in a couple weeks. Ok lovelies, Ill leave it here for tonight. Just to recap, from tonight and over the next two weeks I am opening up orders on prints and seasonal gift prints too. So please get in touch for new orders and to finalise on any existing ones. Use my free time before I get busy again. I will also take new scrapbook orders and any homemade journal orders too. I have two ebooks each at the price of a cup of coffee or thereabouts if you would like to know more. And thank you so much for reading. This is also an action of faith and vulnerability to improve upon my very lax marketing skills. I have got to practise talking about these things more. Until the day they talk for themselves because I am finally an officially selling author and what a happy day that will be xx (ah, she sighs and sips her tea). Thank you for reading once again xx
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 00:22:57 +0000

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