plan for the past few weeks was to jump into a 5k at the - TopicsExpress

   plan for the past few weeks was to jump into a 5k at the end of Oct or beginning of Nov. My training was coming along pretty well until I hit a lazy streak three weeks ago and didnt run for 6 days or so. Got myself back on track and logged a few good mileage days and a 400 interval workout the week before last. I started up this week with a 10 miler on Sunday and followed that up with 6 on Monday. I guess I wasnt ready for those distances on back to back days as my legs were in no shape for a planned track workout on Tuesday. So, I did a light warm up followed by 8 strides just to get my legs turning over. Followed that up with roughly 3 miles at a pretty good clip on Wednesday, rest on Thursday and 10 strides last night. This morning was race time. I had planned to take on a 5k in Upper Marlboro that was on a mix of dirt and pavement, but as I was on my way there, I changed plans and headed for my backup race in Solomons. I didnt want to risk an injury on slick terrain or get myself all muddy and then climb into a new truck to drive home. Solomons was all pavement and I figured a better bet. Arrived 45 minutes before race time, got registered and started warming up. I had gotten out of bed onto sore legs and now had rain and wind to deal with, so my hopes for a good run werent high. Whatever though, I wanted to race. The race kicked off and I found myself in all slone inthird place at about the half mile mark. Not ideal. Thats pretty much how it stayed for the duration. 1st and 2nd extended their lead over me and I put distance between myself and 4th. No way in hell was I going to catch anyone and move up in position. Those guys were just too fast. I finished in 3rd. I had no expectations or goals for placement, so that didnt matter. I was concerned about one thing and one thing only...time. I ran 20:34 this time last year so I was shooting for sub-20. Given that Im about 10 lbs lighter now and my training has been pretty good I felt it was very possible. I was right. 18:54. I have my doubts about the course being a full 3.1 but oh well, Ill take it.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 15:55:50 +0000

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