So my team knows i dont do well hearing EXCUSES!!!! So i now wanna - TopicsExpress


So my team knows i dont do well hearing EXCUSES!!!! So i now wanna share a story from a fellow DT & maybe u will understand better why i dont want to have my inbox filled up with EXCUSES!!!! Read this!!!!! :) My name is Ashley N, I am 26 years old from Salt Lake City, Utah. I have 4 boys, an 8 year old, 3 year old, 1 year old and a 2 month old. They are my life. When I started this business my husband was working out of state. With the economy down thats the only way we knew how to make the amount of money we needed to support our family. He would come home every other Saturday and leave that Sunday. Still doing his side jobs when he was home, so that we could afford all of our bills. We would never see each other. I was on my maternity leave from college because we had just had our 3rd Babyboy, at this time he was 2 months old. Out of nowhere a friend of mine messages me and asks if I could help her with a huge promotion, by throwing a wrap party for her. I honestly only did it just to get her to be quiet lol. On her way home from the party she got a phone call from me asking what I needed to do to sign up! I didnt have the money.. But I was so excited, 3 days later I went negative in the bank to order my business builder kit. My husband wasnt very happy about it lol. . I had my first party before my kit even got here. My sponsor told me she could front me the wraps until my kit got here. Little did she know, I would be needing 50 wraps! Lol... No one believed I was really going to need that many wraps so I had to get ahold of every single person, (they lived 2 hours away by the way lol) and I had to have them pre pay for their wraps in just 48 hours. All together I sold 52 wraps that night, and made a little more than $1200 in wrap cash. Within the first 2 weeks of becoming a distributor I had sold 100 wraps. I couldnt sleep, I had people calling and texting me literally all hours of the night. Because I was doing so well selling wraps, I wanted nothing to do with the mlm side of the business the first few weeks. I didnt have a computer so I was running my entire business on my phone. Therefore I was blowing up my sponsors phone with question after question driving her crazy Im sure! I got 5 dts my first month, they all quit on me. Since then I have enrolled more team members of course, but it was difficult having those first 5 quit. 2 weeks after signing up, I found out I was pregnant again. April 1st I returned to school. On my lunch breaks I would follow up with any potentials. I would wait for my lunch break until we had our team calls so that I wouldnt miss them. We had team trainings every single week. I had to pay my school $100 every time I would miss a day to be there. I went to every single training I ever heard about except one because I really couldnt afford it. I would get home at about 10 30 at night. Carry each of my kids up the stairs, to their bed one by one every night, because they were all asleep by the time I got home. (remind you there was a baby in my belly lol) I was so exhausted. I would fall asleep every night with my phone in my hand working my business. When I was about 7months pregnant I started bleeding pretty heavily. My baby was measuring extremely small. We have had a few miscarriages so I thought I was losing our baby. My husband was upset because he thought I was working too hard and needed to slow it down. We were both very stressed with so much on our shoulders. I felt all alone. We started arguing a lot. It got to the point where we decided we would get a divorce. We didnt say one word to each other for a full month. In November I finally got enough extra money to get a computer. It was dropped and broke with in the first week, so I was back to running my entire business on my phone. December was my last month of being pregnant. I took my leave from school. That was my slowest month. Not one loyal customer, not 1 distributor. I was very depressed. I felt like quitting. I was going through a very hard time in my life, and I was going through it all on my own. Christmas came around and my husband had 2 weeks off of work. Within that 2 weeks, we realized we couldnt get a divorce because of the love we had for each other. Jan 2nd I was having really bad contractions to the point where I couldnt control my breathing. Everyone including my doctor told me to go in. We had a training that night. It was the last training before conference. I already felt horrible not being able to go to conference since I was so close to going into labor, so I felt like I absolutely had to be there for my team. I didnt want to miss it. I went to the training before I went to the hospital, having contractions the whole time. Right after, I went straight to the hospital and sure enough my water was actually leaking. They kept me in and induced me. My husband was home for 2 days. Jan 5th he was back to work out of state. Because of my moms crazy work schedule, she could only come help me for 2 days. After that, I was now home with our new born, our 3 other boys, & with no help from family. I was on my own. I missed one training and that was it. Before 2 weeks had gone by I was already up helping my team, doing parties, making it to the trainings with no child care, I brought them with me! Running on 3 hours of sleep, 4 if I was lucky... I didnt ever let anything get in my way or even slow me down. If I couldnt fly, I was going to run, if I couldnt run, I was going to walk, if I couldnt walk, I was going to crawl. We all have the same 24 hours in our days. Its up to you what you do with it! Last month work got really slow so my husband came home for another 2 whole weeks. We would have never been able to afford that if it werent for the money I was making with It Works. we were actually excited. That meant we would be able to spend some time together right? No. . I was gone every single day he was home. Working my business. I knew I had to get this bonus for my family. So I did it! I didnt ever let anything stop me, and I never will! My goal was to hit Diamond at my year mark. 2 weeks late, but I did it! My next goal is to be double Diamond by the end of this year, have my husband at double by the end of next year (he is currently emerald) So that we can be a full time family! You can watch me or you can join me.. Either way, Im going straight to the top! So thankful I found #itworksglobal!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 21:35:55 +0000

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