So not long to go until the vote. The opinion polls are very close - TopicsExpress


So not long to go until the vote. The opinion polls are very close now. My mum was subjected to an anti English rant on Monday and told, by an elderly yes voter and neighbour that she should move back to England and would never be welcome again and, he added not even on your holidays. Well shame on him. Arguments for or against independence aside, this polarisation of our country is distressing. In some quarters there has been a legitimising of anti English sentiment bordering on (and sometimes crossing that border) of racism. With the polls so close there is a hardening of views and an increasing intolerance to hear the other point of view. Now, no matter what the outcome we have become a divided country. The vote is going to be close, but fair to say that wherever the balance ends up its not going to be far away from a 50 50 split. This is the worst of all possible outcomes. Im sorry to say this but I put most of responsibility for this with the yes campaign. Alec Salmond has most often chosen to avoid giving answers to questions and instead said Westminster this and Westminster that - this is dog whistle politics and he knows what hes doing. Heres a question, which single individual in Scotland has most to gain from a yes vote? Its not about you or me, if it was hed have answered the questions. This is history, we deserve better than the avoidance and dodging and playing politics from Alec Salmond. Hes no patriot. If he was hed be honest and not give spin. The referendum is about Alec wanting power. Be patriotic, be proud of Scotlands strength and vote no.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 21:52:40 +0000

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