So not ready for work tonight. Have opportunity to get into the - TopicsExpress


So not ready for work tonight. Have opportunity to get into the field I want(well second choice). But its sad financial I can not take the opportunity I was given. Life sucks at times. I love my current job, however I set my site on another career field completed classes ,well waiting and trying to get a job in that field I found my current job. The people are great and only few task I dont care for that I have to complete daily. But the money is freaking great and in about six months I will be able to breath financial. But just still just sucks. I settled for a career field in which I kinda fell into. I continued with that career for 20 years plus. And I feel I succeeded in that field, thats why I was stuck in that rut for so long. If not for certain individuals I would still be stuck in that daily rut, so thats to yaall. If I could get hired on with company not contractor I feel financially I could swing it, few less Miller Lites. Lol! Jk. Well sorry for the rant, just felt like needed to get off my chest.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 16:53:58 +0000

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