So, not sure what these folks really think of us yet....our - TopicsExpress


So, not sure what these folks really think of us yet....our neighbors. This tall rock N roll dude in a fedora walking around with oxygen tanks and me, well....being me. (Thats weird enough.) I told someone he has cystic fibrosis and they got that look in their eyes like when you ask somebody what 15684 divided by 300 is. If its not enough just being us, I think we kinda scared them while moving when bringing in Orys battle axe, swords and umpteen guitars...oh and the huge amp.....and my piano......You can kinda tell theyre keeping an EYE on us. Believe me, you might say.....Oh, they probably dont even care. BUT Oh, yes they do. They are a wandering. One little lady asked me something about me putting old boxes in the dumpster and I asked if there was a problem. She said, Oh no, honey, I am just being nosy. LOL...Well, at least she was honest. UPS brought Orys meds yesterday. They come in big styrofoam coolers. You could tell when the guy from the office handed me the box he was wandering....WHAT in the WORLD is in THERE. Thats A LOT of meds! LOL! Yes....Yes, it is. So, were having coffee, getting ready to start another day of getting settled in and wandering who we can freak out today. Hahahaha..... Hope yall have a good day. WE will try to stay out of trouble but Im not making any promises. :)
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:08:48 +0000

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