So now Harper has officially announced what we all knew he was - TopicsExpress


So now Harper has officially announced what we all knew he was going to do. We are going to join the coalition to bomb the hell out of ISIS in Iraq and of course any innocents that happen to be in the line of fire. Well, I think we all know ISIS is a band of murdering assholes but it seems to me that they are also in Syria fighting against the Assaad Regime. Were not going to be bombing them there because we dont want to tip the scales in favor of Assaad. I may be kind of backward when it comes to foreign affairs but I would think if a group of scumsuckers warrant being annihilated they warrant it where ever they are. My solution would be to render humanitarian aid to the surrounding countries that are stuck with the refugees fleeing the conflict areas and keep our military at home. Close our immigration doors to anyone coming from these affected Countries and ban Canadian travel to those areas. Anyone that wants to leave Canada and fight with these Cretans please feel free to do so. Just leave your Canadian Citizenship and Passport at the airport as you will not be allowed to return. We thought nothing of interning the Japanese during world war II and more recently have turned a blind eye to Guantanamo Bay and the secret torture cells of the US CIA and in fact have aided and abetted these violations of the Geneva Convention by steering Canadians into their clutches. And now we worry about offending another group of people. Give me a break. We can trample their rights all to hell and simply apologize some 40 years later and it will be OK. Why not, they dont hesitate to trample the rights and freedoms of those of us born and raised here. If were going to kick ass lets do it instead of simply putting on a show and playing footsies.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 18:59:17 +0000

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