So now I am home and calm... I can express the main cause of - TopicsExpress


So now I am home and calm... I can express the main cause of distress of my last hospital stay.... I have become very wimpish re my bod.. pain.. and cant watch ops on telly.. and even the thought of looking at the metal bits and pieces they use in replacements made me heave at the Hospital...... I have had epidurals before for a back injury... unsuccessfully... giving me severe headaches. and horrible side effects.... so when the aneasthetist(sorry spelling shot!!) came to see me the day before the operation... I begged him for a general... coz my bod responds really well to general.... and I can be sat up in bed with a brew within an hour of leaving recovery.... My main concern was I wanted to be knocked out.. no sounds... no sight.. no smells... nothing.. just sleep... and wake up.. shazzam op done.... the guy said.. I had to have an epidural... as it was the quickest.. safest.... painfree way to have the op.... so I asked him to give me a relaxant .. or something.. so I would be alseep... he said that wasnt a problem.. and if needs be they could give me a general.. once they got me down there... the next day I expressed the same concerns to another guy.. and he said the same.... so that morning about 1000 I was given a pre med... and put to bed.. at about 1230hrs.. they came to collect me for the op.. off we went to theatre 7.... I am wide awake... we go into the aneasthtic part... and a lovely theatre nurse supported me while the needle was put into my back... and cold stuff squirted all over my back.... then as the epidural took hold.. my legs were swung round onto the gurney... and the specialist came into the room....I could hear everything going on.. but not move... the specialist started putting a tornique round my thigh... and hanging my leg up.. into the position for the op... and pulling my about on the gurney to make access easy.... the aneasthetic guy.. stabbed my legs with a pin to see if I cud feel them... then up to my tummy.. all was dead... just a heavy feeling from my rib cage down.... then the guy asks what am i afraid of.. as my blood pressure is rising... I told him.. lay where i am mate and u will.see.... he says.. you really are scared arent you... No shit.... I started crying.. I beg you knock me out.. please...... and he said he would... when I cam round in recovery.. I was sobbing... from the fear and stress.. they took be back on the ward.. and I was sobbing again.. totally truamatised from the ordeal.... then to add to the experience..... they do not catherterise you... so I had no control of my bladder what so ever.. no feeling.. of anything coming out until about 0500hrs the next day.. so had to keep asking the nurses to change my bed.....How bloody degrading can it get? I was now sobbing coz I was wetting myself.. and every time I closed my eyes.. I saw the specialist... like some mad alien...pulling by leg eventually I managed to use a bed pan the next morning... totally stressed before I put my foot to the floor... and then the whole of the leg was so swollen.... it was solid and couldnt bend.. and the bandage that was protection had to be removed as it was cutting off my circulation.... so,,,,,,,,,,,,, Did I over react...? maybe.. but surely my fear should have been respected...Would I trust that same hospital to treat me again? The nurses were great.. The Physios great.,.. the food even great.. alas their respect for the patients at the operation stage.. sadly lacking... I still keep seeing the room before I went into the op.. I still hear them talking about what they were doing to my body... I still hear the operating tools being clanked in the theatre as I lay waiting to go in....How would you guys feel? x
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:50:32 +0000

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