So now THIS is going viral... But I have some questions not - TopicsExpress


So now THIS is going viral... But I have some questions not answered by it! We all heard it then, we all know it now, but what is STILL being ignored is this; WTF were we EVER really going to accomplish over there in the first place?!? Whether we pulled out THEN, or pulled out when Obama pulled the plug, or didnt pull out til ten years from NOW, there isnt a DAMNED THING that would be any different!! Iraqis have and will always flee in the face of a real army, and the only people who have EVER stood their ground or even fought a running battle over there have been the extremists who think dying in combat against western civilization is a fast track to heaven OR people who feared their own leaders more than the feared our soldiers!! As long as that region is 90% MUSLIM, not a damned thing will EVER change!! So yes, we WASTED over 4,000 lives already. How is wasting ANOTHER 4,000 and TRILLIONS more of our tax dollars by going back in going to make things any different over there ten years from now?? The idea that we can bring democracy to the Middle East whether they want it or not at the point of a missile is JUST as naive and IGNORANT as Obamas insistence that if we are tolerant of their way of life the fighting will simply stop! Just because ONE of them is WRONG does NOT make the other right!! SECURE OUR OWN BORDERS AND FIX WHATS WRONG AT HOME, YOU IDIOTS!! If we get hit by terrorists AGAIN it is going to be the failing of every politician who thought political points with the Hispanic community by making illegal immigration easy for their relatives was more important than keeping this country SAFE!! I say let Iraq BURN! Weve tried to help them for over a DECADE and they clearly dont WANT to be free from Islamist extremist tyranny enough to fight for it themselves, so SCREW THEM ALL!! Let the entire region become a caliphate, and once its recognized as a country with a recognized political establishment, then we will have a real enemy to fight instead of playing political games and fighting GHOSTS while trying to win hearts and minds between firefights!! Bullets and bombs cant kill an ideology by picking and choosing targets among a society. That only creates martyrs... The only REAL solution is total eradication of the religion and everyone who believes in it. Let he who lives by the sword DIE by the sword, as Islam is the religion OF THE SWORD!! Allah brought peace to the tribes by KILLING all who stood against him as a prophet in tribal wars until his tribe outnumbers all the others that remained COMBINED! THAT is the lesson of Allah! Let them learn what their religion is truly like by placing them at the other end of the blade and showing them the same compassion and mercy their religion commands them to show to the INFADELS!! Until there is a leader willing to step up and acknowledge THAT REALITY, let the Middle East burn itself to the ground for ANOTHER 2,000 years and start drilling on our own damned soil and making alternative energy options AFFORDABLE for the average American!! thats the way things were before the US stuck its nose in the mix to acquire cheaper gas prices in the first place!!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 05:55:06 +0000

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