So now the Republicans, especially Lindsay Graham, have renamed - TopicsExpress


So now the Republicans, especially Lindsay Graham, have renamed Obamacare to "Clintoncare". He stated on Fox News that the real motivation to defeat the ACA is not that is will be a job killer but it it is a success, which it will be, Hillary Clinton will win the Presidency in 2016. The truth starts to unravel :-) Although Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is publicly bashing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for the Tea Party senator’s eyebrow-raising antics to defund Obamacare, Graham is no fan of Obamacare (the Affordable Care Act) nor of the Clinton/Obama tag-team efforts to endorse the president’s signature healthcare law. In fact, he has inadvertently revealed the truth behind the GOP’S increased efforts to squash the bill. Spoiler alert: it really has nothing to do with Obamacare being a “job killer” or destroying the economy. It has to do with the continued slow, painful death of the Republican Party. Lindsey Graham’s great hope is actually that the healthcare law fails, and he’s excited about gloating rights if that happens. He told Fox New’s “On the Record”: Hillary Clinton decided today to own Obamacare, so in 2016 when this thing falls apart and the economy is in shambles, because of Obamcare, I am going to hereafter call it “Clintoncare.” The one story that people are not talking about is that Bill and Hillary Clinton, particularly Hillary Clinton, fully embraced Obamacare today. They’re selling this bill as hard as they can sell it. I will never call it Obamacare anymore. I’m going to call it Clintoncare.” If the bill is successful, it’s hugely possible that the Clintons won’t mind one bit the law being called Clintoncare. And that’s what Lindsey Graham et al are afraid of. He confessed that although he feels that Hillary Clinton “made a huge mistake” in endorsing and promoting the law, if Obamacare is a “huge success” she will have the White House in 2016. “If it’s a huge success, Hillary Clinton will win the presidency."
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 14:58:11 +0000

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