So often my average and not awakened American friends will ask - TopicsExpress


So often my average and not awakened American friends will ask incredulously: "Why do they hate us?" When speaking of their enemies around the world, I believe that there are many reasons. One of which is that despite their supposed commitment to fostering democracy and promoting freedom around the globe, the US government often tosses away its own stated values in favor of policies based solely on their narrower National self-interests. No where is this more evident currently than in Egypt. Mohamed Morsi was a democratically elected President. Yet, the US would rather deal with a secular Army Despot rather than do business with a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. So the U.S government refuses to call the overthrow of Morsi by the Egyptian military a coupe. And while the US Secretary of State goes before the cameras to deplore violence, we do little or nothing to actually stop that violence. And so the Arab world is left to falsely conclude that America has not a freedom and democracy agenda but an anti-Muslim agenda. And would be the so called terrorists (funded by CIA and trained by NATO) feel justified in continuing to conspire against "The Great Satan" in the West. Such an IRONY :-/ #BlowBack #EgyptTurmoil #FraudulentWarOnTerror #TuesdayInsight
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 00:12:16 +0000

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