So okay folks! FINALLY got a new computer! I love best buy - - TopicsExpress


So okay folks! FINALLY got a new computer! I love best buy - that is all I can say on that! Qeek Squad was wonderful and loaded a couple programs on it so I could have it today to try and learn some new things - such as how to even type on a new computer that is totally updated (my computer was 9 years old) - and I even got a new hotspot from Verizon which they say is faster - I had also purchased a DROID phone which I spent 9 days with - totally frustrated Yesterday I went to a class to try to learn the DROID and good gawd! Lets just say I was the youngest person at the class for which there was only supposed to be 3 people (10 of us were there). Half of the folks honest to God did not even know how to turn theirs on! After an hour of instruction I left totally disheartened and went to Verizon told them I wanted yes, my flip phone, the flip phone back! And I wanted to restart my modem I had for internet. AJ at the Flamingo Street Verizon was ever so kind to me - I guess she sensed I was totally out of my league with some of this new technology so she hooked me up with a new flip top phone again - and updated me on my new hotspot as they call it now. I am happy to say I am now back online after being off about 10 days - so bear with me! I am VERY excited to have a new computer (my family has been telling me for years to upgrade but I just couldnt bear to shelf my old one - I purchased it when Ed passed away and I just seemed to have some type of emotional attachment to that here I am now - back online, loving the speed of this new computer - and hopefully updating my technology skills! So much to learn - but looking forward to it. If youve not heard from me in some time - Ill be responding to messages here shortly - hope you all had a very nice Easter!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 06:06:33 +0000

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