So, on Thursday I suffer this freak type injury in rupturing my - TopicsExpress


So, on Thursday I suffer this freak type injury in rupturing my quadriceps tendon (tearing it off the knee). It was not the result of me falling. The falling part came immediately after. The best way to describe it is that it was raining and the parking lot was slick. As I was was walking I felt my left knee destabilize so that it started to feel I was slipping. At that point I tried to regain my stability and thats where the knee seemed to move in a different direction from my leg. I heard a distinctive pop. That was the tendon tearing away from the knee. At that moment the left leg gave out completely and I went to the ground in excruciating pain. Im kneeling on my good knee as I sort out the shock and confusion in my mind. My left leg is dead from the knee down. Im telling it to move and it wont. At that point I recognize the fact that it is exactly like what happened to my right leg 8 years ago. At that point my faith kicked in. I needed Jesus, Angels, the Holy Spirit, to meet my immediate needs, which was to keep me safe as I lay in a wet and rainy parking lot. Soon, people saw me and began to help. Eventually an ambulance arrived and I was transported to the hospital. X-rays were taken, pain meds administered, and soon I was on my way to my orthopedic surgeon with a brace and a shiny new pair of crutches. Total elapsed time so far: 90 minutes. See how God kicks in? The quad tear was diagnosed by my doctor after an ultra sound. However, an MRI would assess the damage further. I was able to get one that evening at 7:00. I was home by 9:30 that night. It was 9 hours from start to finish. I never was so glad to be home and lying down. It was an ordeal and as far as knee injuries go it was catastrophic. Been there. Done that. Maybe this time Ill get the T-Shirt. In all of it there was calm. Peace. I knew Jesus had this. Oh, I had questions. They would come later. For now, the Word continues to prove itself. Matthew 11:28 (AMP) - Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will *ease and relieve and *refresh *your souls.] I have to believe that. I do and Im confident He backs up His truth. There is a very long road to recovery ahead, including surgery on Wed. to reattach the tendon. There will be a second surgery some time later to repair the meniscus which is also torn. Until then, I am inquisitive about where does on acquire a helper monkey, and how does one convince a spouse about how much I need one?
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 13:11:26 +0000

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