So....on my 4 day a week 7 mile cardio workouts (which only 2 - TopicsExpress


So....on my 4 day a week 7 mile cardio workouts (which only 2 miles consist of jogging and the rest walking to be honest)....I always run into people I know (which is always awesome!) and is when my mind is most active (perhaps due to the increased blood flow....who knows?)...Anyways two things came to mind today. Feel free to agree with or vehemently disagree with me: 1) Im very nervous about my beloved Barcelona defensively. We need better centerbacks! 2) I truly wish all of the leaders of this world were scientists. I wish every President, Prime Minister, Chancellor, Monarch, Religious Leader, etc. was an Astrophysicist. If this were to happen, there would never be a war on this planet.....Why? Because heres what an Astrophysicist world leader will tell his/her people: In about a billion years, the sun will begin its initial stages of star decay and that means that the temperature of our Life producing star will increase to the point that Life on Earth would be impossible. 3 billion years after that, the Sun will begin to increase in size as it begins its stages of reaching supernova as all stars the process, its size increase will cause an increase in its gravitational pull and reel in 4 or 5 of the planets that revolve around it. The Sun is going to engulf the Earth. Point being is this....All of the fighting going on between countries at the moment have a religious or economic motive. The holy lands some are willing to die for...The oil some are willing to start wars over.....The people that believe are the ones God chose to lead.....All will be irrelevant. The Universe will not remember Jerusalem, or Mecca, or the Vatican, or any war that began because of a need to set up a fossil fuel empire. What oil, gold, diamond,or natural resource will be the profit incentive when the planet is an asterisk in the vastness of the cosmos? Thats the type of speech that a scientist world leader would give....based on realities. Not religion or political opportunities. In no means am I attacking religions or saying they are a bad thing. All Im saying is that Scientists need to be the ones leading our nations.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 18:39:51 +0000

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