So one more round...the number I got this time is 6. - 6 Things - TopicsExpress


So one more round...the number I got this time is 6. - 6 Things you may or may not know about me - 1. While working as a mocap technician on the set of Fantastic Four, I almost broke Jessica Albas big toe with a huge roll of duct tape. I was rushing trying to get the reflective markers on her boots while my supervisor put markers on her suit and the roll flew off the tape as I was tearing strips and hit her square in the big toe. She hopped over too me and yelled for me to kiss it and make it better. I didnt kiss her toe........and I regret it to this day, haha! 2. When I was in kindergarten, I shared a room with my sister. She had Michael Jackson posters all over the walls. The Human Nature shot of him in the white fit with the yellow bowtie and sweater vest was the poster closest to my bed. One night I had a nightmare, that seemed very real, of him coming out of the poster and leaning in towards me smiling wickedly. I was scared of Michael Jackson for a good year after that. 3. Many, many, many years ago, when a good female friend of mine was terribly disrespected and assaulted by her boyfriend, I was furious. I knew I wouldnt have her blessing to do anything so I created a detailed plot to teach him a lesson while keeping my involvement a secret. I organized a team with key tasks for each member to do to get him secluded and alone with us while. My end plan was to just beat the crap out of him and leave him stranded in Hart Park to find his way home. (no cell phones then). I ended up canceling the plan when one of the guys helping me appeared to be a loose cannon. I didnt trust him not to take things too far. So the guy was saved and I realized revenge was not mine to take anyway. It all worked out how it should have. 4. I once met a girl on a flight to Seattle in 2003. She made me feel like an idiot when she started talking which usually doesnt happen. She was extremely smart having graduated high school and college early. She as already teaching a college course at the time at the age of 21. After talking the entire flight, I felt very connected to her. She eventually told me she was engaged which was upsetting to me but we traded numbers, keeping in touch 2-3x a week for a few months via phone. We had some great conversations. I think her fiance was boring and I gave her a spark she was missing maybe. Our final phone conversation was her saying that her wedding was the following weekend and this would be the last time we should talk. That hurt me but I understood. I think she recognized how our chemistry was undeniable and didnt want to risk our casual relationship growing into something more. I would never do anything to disrespect a marriage so I was good with her decision.... 5. As a kid, I would hold wrestling tournaments in the backyard. I studied those moves on TV with so much detail I could have probably pursued a career in it. I tended to take things too far at times though. One time I leg dropped my friend, after climbing up a tree first, while he was already down. I came down with so much force from the height of the tree that my friend had to be carried home because he couldnt walk on his own. He was fine by the next day though. 6. Whenever I have to go outside really late at night, whether it be to take out the garbage, go to my car, etc., I always carry one of my samurai swords with me, thumb firmly on the guard of the blade. No one else is usually out that late but honestly...part of me wishes some fool did come running at me so could I test my reaction time to a threat like that. There you go.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 03:14:49 +0000

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