So peaceful. Raizo san is looking for Ebizo Ichikawa, the kabuki - TopicsExpress


So peaceful. Raizo san is looking for Ebizo Ichikawa, the kabuki actor. Meiji Jingu is a Shinto shrine. Shinto is called Japans ancient original religion, and it is deeply rooted in the way of Japanese life. Shinto has no founder, no holy book, and not even the concept of religious conversion, but Shinto values for example harmony with nature and virtues such as Magokoro (sincere heart). In Shinto, some divinity is found as Kami (divine spirit), or it may be said that there is an unlimited number of Kami. You can see Kami in mythology, in nature, and in human beings. From ancient times, Japanese people have felt awe and gratitude towards such Kami and dedicated shrines to many of them. This shrine is dedicated to the divine souls of Emperor Meiji and his consort Empress Shoken (their tombs are in Kyoto). Emperor Meiji passed away in 1912 and Empress Shoken in 1914. After their demise, people wished to commemorate their virtues and to venerate them forever. So they donated 100,000 trees from all over Japan and from overseas, and they worked voluntarily to create this forest. Thus, thanks to the sincere heart of the people, this shrine was established on November 1, 1920. Enshrined deities: souls of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken Foundation: November 1, 1920 Area: 700,000 m2 (inner precinct) Forest: 170,000 trees of 245 species (as of 2008) 落ち着きますね。 あれ、海老蔵さん、いないっすね、とライ蔵さんはおっしゃってます。 「明治神宮は明治天皇と昭憲皇太后をお祀りする神社。初詣は例年日本一の参拝者数を集める神社としても知られます。そのほか、大相撲横綱土俵入りや、こどもの祭まで幅広い祭典と行事、厄祓い、祈願をとりおこなっております。」 Timeline Photos · Dec 25, 2014 ·
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 03:17:18 +0000

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