So people are posting stories on Facebook now? o3o Mk, I might as - TopicsExpress


So people are posting stories on Facebook now? o3o Mk, I might as well do it too. :D Zeshin stood up looking at Kokestu; his eyes glemming bright blue. Kokestu shot the glare back; his eyes icy blue. “Michael, we have a few issues to discuss with everyone.” Zeshin cautioned; looking around at the other 10 members. Ravenous stood up, pushing his chair in; beginning to walk out the door. “Jarred, ahem. Where do you think you are going?” Zeshin asked. Ravenous turned around and just stared; backing out of the room. The large steel doors closing behind him. “That nigga will never learn.” Zeshin thought out loud, shaking his head; sitting back down, picking up his cup of tea in front of him. Ravenous walked through the well-lit corridor down to a smaller room. It was lined with many bookshelves and books. And in the middle of the room was a large oak desk; there sat many magazines. Ravenous strolled over to it, sitting in the chair, picking one up. As he was about to open the magazine; the oak door burst open. As Kota came in. “Oh, Hey Jarred.” Kota said; staring at Ravenous with purple eyes, his purple hair falling into them. Ravenous stared back, his eyes going fiery red, as the room began to get dark. “Jarred..” Kota began stammering. “W-w-what are you doing..” Kota stuttered more. As Ravenous got out of the leather chair; glaring wickedly at Kota. Commander got out of his seat walking out the door. “Commander, I swear if you walk out the door, it’ll be the last thing you do.” Zeshin hissed. Commander ignored his order; strolling out of the large marble room. Going down the north wing, into the kitchen. As he walked his shoes made noise amongst the marble flooring. Kokestu shortly came into the kitchen, staring at Commander. “James. You realize you might be dying right?” Kokestu mentioned under his breath, Staring at Commader, questioning him. Commander went to the first seat he saw, placing his food down; brushing and straighten his coat. Pulling the chair out sitting. As Kokestu shortly followed; sitting across from him. “So Michael.. what has my favorite yardbird been up to?” Commander raised his eyebrow. “Eh, not much, just usual yardbird things.” Kokestu shrugged. . “So what was the issues Blaze wanted to talk about?” Commander raised his eyebrow once again. “Well, I’m not sure on that.. Maybe it was on Itami or Archangel/Archfiend things.” Kokestu shrugged again. Miranda got out of her seat, and ran out the door. Into the room Kota and Ravenous were in. The doors swung open as she saw Ravenous holding his blade to Kota’s throat; as he was gasping for air. “Jarred… put the blade down..” Miranda steadily asked. But Ravenous just stood there, giving her the same cold eyes he gave everyone. Miranda unsheathed her sword; EveningStar and glared at Ravenous. “I don’t want to do this.. Jarred..” Miranda said softly.. as she glared from Ravenous to Kota, seeing how lifeless Kota was becoming. “Put Kota down.. and we can all just forget this.. okay..?” Miranda breathed heavily. Zeshin glared at Yulai; narrowing his eyebrows. “Well, it’s you, Guren, Erin, Rin, Kayla, Kurai, and me here now.” He sighed. “Well. I guess they just didn’t wanna hear it.” Erin sighed, tilting her head down; like she was shameful. Zeshin rose out of his seat, and strolled over to the window; opening the sea blue curtains. He let out a long sigh before turning around; looking at the rest of the members. “You are dismissed I guess.” As he strolled to the steel doors; opening them and walking out. Yulai and Rin got out of their seats and walked out the same doors; going to the game room. “So Rin, wanna go play some Kirby or spar?” Yulai asked. Rin shrugged as they reached the game room, opening the glass doors. The scent of lavender hitting their noses. Yulai ran over to their computers; a huge flat screen sat on the dark wood desk. Yulai pulled out the chair and plopped in it; relaxing in it as she turned the tower and flat screen on. A grin appearing across her face. Kendo?” Guren chuckled. Her dark blue hair bouncing as she laughed. Erin looked up; while Kayla stared at her. They both shrugged and got out of their chairs. All 3 strolling out of the room; into the kendo room. Ravenous dropped Kota; as he strode towards Miranda, his eyes blazing even more. Kota fell lifeless to the floor, his head banged against the magenta wall. Ravenous sprinted towards Miranda as she went rolling to the side and pulled one of his feet out from under him, making Ravenous faceplant. Miranda quickly got up; pointing her sword at Ravenous’ back. “You really think you can hurt me, hm?” Ravenous taunted. “No...” Fear began to cloud Miranda’s sight. As Ravenous kicked EveningStar out of her hands, tackling her to the ground. He quickly rose; putting his foot on her chest; all the air in her lungs coming out in one breath. Zeshin strode into the kitchen; staring at Kokestu and Commander “Well. Eating on the job?” Zeshin teased. Going to the fridge; grabbing a candy bar and sitting by Kokestu. “So what are you people talking about.” Raising his eyebrow. “Just how much of a yardbird Michael is.” Commander chuckled, his grey blue eyes shining. When Zeshin got a call from someone in the distance. Zeshin, Commander, and Kokestu got up and ran towards the room Ravenous, Kota, and Miranda were in. Kota’s eyes fluttered open wide; looking around at the surroundings. But all he saw was darkness, where am I he thought. As he heard grunting and swords clashing to the left of him. Kota saw Miranda trying her hardest to keep Ravenous at bay; when the oak door swung open again; Zeshin, Kokestu, and Commander running into the room. Coming to a halt. “Jarred.. what happened.” Zeshin snapped his fingers as Miranda and Ravenous both haulted to a stop, turning their heads towards Commander, Kokestu, and Zeshin. Kokestu strolled over to where Kota was, holding a hand out to him; Kota took Kokestus hand and got to his feet; rubbing his head. Now, Jarred. Tell me.. why are you and.. Miranda trying to kill each other..? Zeshin raised his eyebrow; I may not be in charge here, but I deserve to know everything too, like Michael. Zeshin motioned for Kota, Commander, Kokestu, Ravenous, and Miranda to go back to the meeting hall; and so they all strolled there. The steel doors moaning once more open; and there sat Rin, Guren, Erin, Kayla, Kurai, Kage, and Yulai. Oh.. you guys are here.. Surprise went through Michaels voice; seeming he thought they would all be busy, and didnt except Kurai and Kage to be here. Oh my god, what happened. Kurai gasped looking at Kota, studying the bruises on him. Nikki, its nothing.. Kota said, turning his head away from her, his purple eyes filled with sorrow. Well, if you must know, I was trying to relax.. when Kota came barging in the room! Ravenous shouted; All I wanted was some peace and quiet but no, and then Miranda had to come when everything was just fine! Excuse you? You were trying to Kota! Miranda retorted; He would of been just fine. Ravenous grinned. Enough you two, I had enough of everyone picking fights with each other, now tell me what happened. Kokestu huffed. So Ravenous told Kokestu what he thought.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 21:59:01 +0000

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