So....prayers are appreciated. We will be needing direction and - TopicsExpress


So....prayers are appreciated. We will be needing direction and to be calm and be able to think through the upcoming drama. Today, at church two people approached my husband to ask if we were moving or had found another place. He said no, why? Well, your house hit the MLS (we are renting) this week. to us! When we moved in, they told us that someday they would be selling, but that we would be notified, and we have not been notified of anything. Anyways, we got home from church and there was a notice on the window from someone demanding the back rent or we need to surrender the property, saying he is the actual owner. HUH?? We paid our rent, we are never late. But who is this guy? We pay our rent to a management company in Pleasant Grove. So Rob called him without delay. He says he is an old man who has been in negotiations for short sale for 2-1/2 years. Apparently he has some agreement with this management company because he knew of them. He said they have never paid him a dime (which isnt our problem, our contract isnt with him, its with the management company). So Rob asks: Do you want us to pay Februarys rent to you or what? The guy says: No, continue to pay the management company. Okaaayyy.....why would he tell us to continue to pay a company that isnt paying him?? The man is coming over tomorrow afternoon to talk with us. I have no idea where this is going to go. So yeah, prayers are definitely appreciated right now because I have since swallowed 3 of my skullcap herbs and its not helping to alleviate that stress that immediately set in right behind the eyes and the back of the neck. And skullcap ALWAYS helps me to destress. Maybe its the fact that before he could even get off the phone with him I went and ate the last 4 truffles from Trader Joes. Because you know, thats a huge stress, not really funny for someone who is trying to be healthy. But hey, at least the truffles are no longer a temptation, right? Im continuously amazed at how very much Heavenly Father is in charge of things. So in awe right now.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 22:51:10 +0000

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